Student Code of Conduct

Student rights and responsibilities have been formulated into a Student Code of Conduct. The following policy outlines the procedure the College will use when addressing violations of the Student Code of Conduct.

Any member of the College community may report a violation of the Student Code of Conduct. Individuals who report a violation are referred to as “complainants” and individuals alleged to have violated the Code are referred to as “respondents.” Reports should be submitted using the Behavior Intervention Team (BIT) report on the college website or reported directly to the Conduct Officer or Executive Director of Student Services. A report should be submitted as soon as possible following the alleged violation to ensure a fair and timely investigation. The respondent(s) will be notified through email of the alleged violation.

This procedure is outlined to address the resolution process for behavioral misconduct (Section 1) and academic misconduct (Section 2) and applies to all students, visitors, and guests, as well as Blackhawk programs, activities, practices, operations, and behaviors that take place on any College property, facility, or building, and any on, or off-campus college‐sponsored events. The Student Code of Conduct procedure applies to conduct that occurs in-person, in writing, via cellphone, and online via email or other electronic mediums including blogs, web postings, chats, and social media networking.

All actions by a member of the College community that involve the use of the College’s networks and/or technology from a remote location including, but not limited to, accessing email accounts, are considered to have occurred on-campus.  This policy may also apply to off‐campus or online conduct when the college determines that the conduct affects a substantial College interest. A substantial College interest is defined to include:

  • Any action that constitutes a criminal offense as defined by law. 
  • Any situation where it appears that the accused may present a danger or threat to the health or safety of self or others.
  • Any situation that significantly imposes upon the rights, property, or achievements of a student or causes significant social disruption.

Any online postings or other electronic communication by students and employees, including cyber-bullying/harassment that occurs completely outside of the College’s control will be subject to this procedure when the online behaviors cause a substantial on‐campus disruption or use the College’s networks and/or technology. While the College may not control websites, social media, and other venues in which disruptive behavior may occur, the College maintains a responsibility to review and attempt to resolve the situation when such behavior is reported to the College.

Interpretation and Revision

Any questions of interpretation of the Student Code of Conduct will be referred to the Conduct Officer.

The Conduct Officer and the Executive Director of Student Services will review the Student Code of Conduct annually for compliance with Wisconsin and Federal Laws pertaining to areas covered by Student Codes of Conduct and for effectiveness.

Due Process

Respondents are entitled to the following due process:

  • Notification of the allegations against them;
  • Fair and timely investigation of the allegations;
  • Notice of the applicable range of consequences;
  • Know the nature of the information against them, unless release of the information would endanger the safety of the complainant or witness(es);
  • Opportunity to respond to the allegations and present relevant information and witnesses;
  • Appeal, if applicable.