Automation Systems Technology

Associate of Applied Science Degree

As a graduate of the Automation Systems Technology associate’s degree program, you’ll be prepared to design, program, and troubleshoot integrated machine systems used in the growing field of advanced manufacturing and industrial controls. Students in this program work with integrated systems that include industrial automation, robotics, mechanical systems, computer integration, and industrial communications. Potential career opportunities include automation technician, controls technician, controls designer, and engineering technician.

1.  Perform work safely

2. Troubleshoot electrical and mechanical systems and devices

3. Communicate technical information

4. Integrate automation and mechanical control systems

Plan of Study Grid
Semester 1Credits
804-113 College Technical Mathematics 1A 3
620-902 Mechanics of Learning for Industrial Technologies 1
449-300 Safety for General Industry 1
620-903 Troubleshooting Integrated Manufacturing Systems 1 1
620-146 Basic Mechanics 1
421-110 Interpreting Schematics for Manufacturing 1
421-310 Print Reading for Manufacturing 1
620-147 Basic Principles of Preventive Maintenance 1
620-116 Fluid Power 1: Basic Pneumatics 1
620-101 Fundamentals of DC Circuits 1 1
620-102 Fundamentals of DC Circuits 2 1
620-109 Relay Logic 1
620-124 Programmable Logic Controllers - PLCs 1
606-480 CAD Fundamentals - 2D Drawing 1
606-176 CAD Fund-Solid Modeling 1
Semester 2
804-114 College Technical Mathematics 1B 2
General Physics 1
or Work-Based Learning 1: Equipment Operation and Work-Based Learning 2: Preventive Maintenance and Work-Based Learning 3: Maintenance Troubleshooting and Work-Based Learning 4: Integration
620-113 Fundamentals of AC Circuits 1 1
620-114 Fundamentals of AC Circuits 2 1
620-106 Electric Motors 1 1
620-910 Electric Motors 2 1
620-134 Sensors 1
620-111 Programming Fundamentals 1 1
620-112 Programming Fundamentals 2 1
620-121 Programmable Automation Controllers (PACs) 1 1
620-122 Programmable Automation Controllers (PACs) 2 1
620-117 Fluid Power 2: Basic Hydraulics 1
Semester 3
801-136 English Composition 1 3
809-196 Introduction to Sociology 3
620-131 Solid State Devices 1 1
620-132 Solid State Devices 2 1
620-126 Robotics 1 1
620-127 Robotics 2 1
620-107 Variable Speed Drives 1 1
620-911 Variable Speed Drives 2 1
620-175 Servomechanisms 1 1
620-913 Servomechanisms 2 1
620-141 Process Control 1 1
620-142 Process Control 2 1
Semester 4
801-197 Technical Reporting 3
809-198 Introduction to Psychology 3
620-144 Human Machine Interfaces (HMI) 1
620-914 Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) Systems 1
664-012 Industrial Networks 1
620-148 Industrial Integration 1
620-908 Maintenance Management 1
623-622 Lean Manufacturing 1
664-011 Machine Vision Systems 1
620-915 Troubleshooting Integrated Manufacturing Systems 2 2
 Total Credits64