Health Information Management

Associate of Applied Science Degree


The dynamic health information field is at the forefront of medical reimbursement, patient information privacy, and electronic health records. Health information professionals play a vital role in maintaining, collecting, and retrieving patient data for the care delivered by physicians, nurses, and the entire healthcare team. Medical coding, reimbursement, and information abstraction are an integral part of the field, as are information privacy and security, data analytics, and quality oversight of electronic medical documentation. Professionals in the field work at hospitals, clinics, electronic health record companies, public health agencies, insurance organizations,  and various other healthcare-connected businesses.

1. Apply patient health information and technology to diagnosis and procedure code assignment.

2. Ensure the integrity of the legal health record, information privacy, and documentation validity.

3. Manage revenue cycle processes with valid patient information.

4. Engage the healthcare arena with integrity, cultural humility, and ethical behaviors.

5. Embrace technology and electronic systems for data capture, analysis, interpretation, and application.

6. Manage and lead to attain competent staffing, quality data, and revenue cycle strength.

Plan of Study Grid
Semester 1Credits
801-136 English Composition 1 1-3
501-101 Medical Terminology 1-3
501-107 Digital Literacy for Health Care 1-2
809-198 Introduction to Psychology 1-3
806-177 General Anatomy and Physiology 1-4
530-162 Foundations of Health Information Management 1-3
Semester 2
530-182 Human Disease for Health Professionals 1-3
530-197 International Classification of Disease (ICD) Diagnosis Coding 1-3
530-199 International Classification of Disease (ICD-PCS) Procedure Coding 1-2
Mathematical Reasoning
or Intermediate Algebra with Applications
809-196 Introduction to Sociology 1-3
Semester 3
530-163 Healthcare Statistics and Analytics 1-3
530-201 Privacy, Security and Release of Information 1-3
530-184 Current Procedural Terminology Coding 1-3
801-198 Speech 1-3
530-160 Electronic Health Records 1-3
Semester 4
530-165 Intermediate Coding 1-3
530-159 Healthcare Revenue Management 1-3
530-164 Introduction to Health Informatics 1-3
530-200 Enrichment of the Health Information Management Professional 1-3
530-167 Management of Health Information Management Resources 1-3
530-202 Professional Practice Experience .5-1
 Total Credits21.5-63

Medical coding specialist: hospital and physician office

Health information management supervisor

Release of Information Coordinator

Data Analyst

Information Privacy and Security Officer

Electronic Health Record Data Abstractor

Patient Registration Coordinator

Revenue Cycle Manager