Human Resources

Associate of Applied Science Degree

The Human Resources Associate of Applied Science degree prepares students to assist small to mid-sized organizations in effectively recruiting, developing, and utilizing their human resources. Students learn how to maximize the human potential for the benefit of the organization. This field of employment requires knowledge and skills in the following areas: occupational job analysis, compensation, benefits, training, staffing, employee relations, safety, and human resources information systems.

Careers such as HR Generalists or HR Specialists can be found in any non-profit, service or manufacturing organization. Human Resource Specialists can focus on areas such as employee recruitment/interviewing, employee training and development, wages and compensation, benefits, employee wellness, and occupational analysis. Students will have an opportunity to prepare for various related certifications such as from the Society of Human Resources (SHRM) and OSHA.

Upon successful completion of this program, students will be able to:

  • Design an organizational workforce plan
  • Develop training programs
  • Analyze organizational total rewards programs
  • Incorporate employment law into business practices
  • Apply employee relations techniques

Graduates Have Found Employment As:

  • HR Manager/Coordinator/Administrator
  • Training and Development Manager
  • Compensation and Benefits Coordinator
  • Employment and Placement Specialist
  • Recruitment Specialist
  • Labor Relations Specialist
Plan of Study Grid
Semester 1Credits
102-148 Introduction to Business and Management 3
196-193 Human Resource Management 3
103-128 Introduction to Microsoft Office Suites 2
801-136 English Composition 1 3
Mathematical Reasoning
or Intermediate Algebra with Applications
Semester 2
103-107 Intermediate Excel 2
106-142 Customer Service Essentials 1
116-102 Training and Development 3
196-103 Employment Law 3
196-116 Staffing Organizations 3
196-161 Team Building: Communicating and Building Cohesiveness 1
196-168 Organizational Development 3
Semester 3
101-111 Accounting I 4
116-115 Compensation and Benefits 3
116-119 Labor Relations 3
196-108 Health, Safety and Security 3
809-198 Introduction to Psychology 3
Semester 4
101-135 Payroll Accounting 2
102-115 Management Principles 3
116-138 Human Resource Practium 3
196-163 Team Building: Inclusion and Engagement 1
801-198 Speech 3
Introduction to Sociology
or Intro to American Government
 Total Credits61-62

General Education Courses Within Program

801-136English Composition 13
804-134Mathematical Reasoning3-4
or 804-118 Intermediate Algebra with Applications
809-196Introduction to Sociology3
809-198Introduction to Psychology3