Web Software Developer

Associate of Applied Science Degree

The IT-Web Software Developer Associate of Applied Science Degree meets the specific skills and knowledge requirements of technical and professional jobs within the information technology field for Web Development specialists including programmer, front end developer, or web design/support. It is designed to meet entry-level education needs of most segments of the web development field which involve front end programming. Training blends general educational development and required web development skills. Graduates are prepared for entry-level Web developer jobs in government, insurance, manufacturing, service, software development, wholesale and retail sales, utilities, banking and accounting.

Program Outcomes

  • Plan web-based solutions
  • Design web application
  • Build front-end of web-based software applications
  • Build back-end of web-based software applications
  • Integrate database technologies
  • Develop technical documentation for web applications
  • Test web application​
Plan of Study Grid
Semester 1Credits
102-148 Introduction to Business and Management 3
103-132 Intro to Adobe Illustrator 1
103-133 Intro to Photoshop - Designing and Editing 1
152-126 Introduction to Programming 2
152-127 Web Servers and Web Server Administration 2
152-195 Markup Basics 1 1
152-197 Design Basics for Front-end Development 1 1
203-131 Intro to Digital Photography & Color 1
801-136 English Composition 1 3
Semester 2
152-119 High Level Scripting 3
152-125 Design Basics for Front-end Development 2 2
152-128 Markup Basics 2 2
152-163 Relational Database Design & Development 3
Mathematical Reasoning
or Intermediate Algebra with Applications
809-196 Introduction to Sociology 3
Semester 3
152-130 Project & Framework Management 2
152-131 Version Control 2
152-132 Cybersecurity 1
152-215 Content Management Systems 1 1
152-216 Content Management Systems 2 1
152-218 Search Engine Optimization 1
152-222 Front End Framework 1
152-224 Emerging Technologies Research 1
801-198 Speech 3
809-198 Introduction to Psychology 3
Semester 4
152-134 Responsive Design 2
152-142 Programming 3
152-156 Social Media 3
152-001 Artificial Intelligence (AI) for Web Developers 2
152-234 Resume and Portfolio Development for Web Developers 1
152-235 Emerging Technologies Capstone 3
 Total Credits61-62

General Education Courses Within Program

801-136English Composition 13
804-134Mathematical Reasoning3-4
or 804-118 Intermediate Algebra with Applications
809-198Introduction to Psychology3
809-196Introduction to Sociology3