University Transfer - Associate of Science

University Transfer - Associate of Science


The Associate of Science degree provides an educational pathway that emphasizes science and mathematics for students that intend to complete a bachelor's degree program at a four-year institution.

In order to complete the Associate of Science degree you must complete coursework in a variety of subjects.

Below you will find a list of those subject areas and the minimum credits required in each area to complete the degree.

Minimum Required Credits by Subject Area

Subject Area Minimum Required Credits
Communications 9
Humanities & Fine Arts 6
Social & Behavioral Sciences 6
Natural Sciences* 6 (must include two lab courses, one from each of two different science disciplines)
Quantitative Reasoning* 3 (must be at course level of College Algebra, Statistics, Quantitative Reasoning, or above)
*Natural Sciences and Quantitative Reasoning Must complete 9 additional credits from these categories
Global Studies & Languages(**) Must complete 1 course
Diversity/Ethnic Studies Must complete 1 course
Electives 21

** or one year of World Language in High school with a C or better 

1. Knowledge of human cultures and the natural world.

2. Critical and creative thinking.

3. Effective communication skills.

4. Information literacy.

5. Quantitative reasoning.

6. Personal and civic responsibility.

7. Foundations of lifelong learning including personal health and well-being.

In order to complete the Associate of Science degree you must complete coursework in a variety of subjects.            

Below you will find a tentative semester plan that can be used to complete the required coursework.  Beneath the semester plan you will find a list of courses that are offered for each subject area.

Tentative Semester Plan

Semester 1
Subject Credits
Communications 3
Social & Behavioral Sciences 3
Electives (PASS Course) 1
Humanities & Fine Arts 3
Quantitative Reasoning 4
Natural Sciences (lab course) 4
Semester 2
Subject Credits
Communications      3
Electives          3
Quantitative Reasoning 3
Natural Sciences (lab course) 4
Global Studies & Languages 4
Semester 3
Subject Credits
Communications 3
Humanities & Fine Arts          3
Natural Sciences (non-lab course) 3
Electives 6
Semester 4
Subject Credits
Social & Behavioral Sciences              3
Electives (Capstone Symposium) 1
Electives 10
Diversity/Ethnic Studies 3

Courses Offered in each Subject

Communications (Minimum 9 Credits Required)
801-136English Composition 13
801-197Technical Reporting3
801-223English Composition II3
801-201Critical Writing, Reading, and Research3
801-621Creative Writing3
For additional course offerings in this subject visit UW-Whitewater College of Integrated Studies by clicking on this link.
Humanities & Fine Arts (6 Credits Required)
801-621Creative Writing3
803-214Native American History3
805-201Music Appreciation3
809-122Intro to American Government3
809-223Introduction to World Religions3
For additional course offerings in this subject visit UW-Whitewater College of Integrated Studies by clicking on this link.
Social & Behavioral Sciences (6 Credits Required)
809-198Introduction to Psychology3
809-196Introduction to Sociology3
809-172Introduction to Diversity Studies3
809-166Introduction to Ethics: Theory and Application3
809-159Abnormal Psychology3
809-188Developmental Psychology3
809-223Introduction to World Religions3
809-199Psychology of Human Relations3
For additional course offerings in this subject visit UW-Whitewater College of Integrated Studies by clicking on this link.
Natural Science (6-15 Credits Required, must include two lab courses with one each of two different science disciplines)
806-114General Biology (lab course)4
806-134General Chemistry (lab course)4
806-154General Physics 1 (lab course)4
806-177General Anatomy and Physiology (lab course)4
806-179Advanced Anatomy and Physiology (lab course)4
806-197Microbiology (lab course)4
806-199General, Organic and Biological Chemistry (lab course)4
806-186Introduction to Biochemistry (lab course)4
806-286Environmental Science (lab course)4
806-172Basic Nutritional Science3
806-175General Pathophysiology3
For additional course offerings in this subject visit UW-Whitewater College of Integrated Studies by clicking on this link.
Quantitative Reasoning (3-12 Credits, must include mathematics at the level of College Algebra, Statistics, Quantitative Reasoning, or above)
804-189Introductory Statistics3
804-197College Algebra and Trigonometry with Applications5
804-198Calculus 14
804-211Quantitative Reasoning3
For additional course offerings in this subject visit UW-Whitewater College of Integrated Studies by clicking on this link.
Global Studies & Languages (Minimum of one course; one year of World Language in high school with a 'C' or better will satisfy this requirement)
802-211Spanish I4
For additional course offerings in this subject visit UW-Whitewater College of Integrated Studies by clicking on this link.
Diversity and Ethnic Studies (Minimum of one course)
809-172Introduction to Diversity Studies3
For additional course offerings in this subject visit UW-Whitewater College of Integrated Studies by clicking on this link.
Electives (Minimum 21 Credits Required; PASS Course and Capstone Symposium Course are graduation requirements, additional 19 credits will be specific to student career and/or educational goals)
890-101Preparing for Academic and Student Success0.5-1
890-102Capstone Symposium0.05-1
For additional course offerings in this subject visit UW-Whitewater College of Integrated Studies by clicking on this link