Manufacturing Engineering Technology

Associate of Applied Science Degree

A skilled workforce is needed in the manufacturing/production operations and/or manufacturing/production services for the design and development of new products, production systems, processes, operations, services, quality control, continuous improvement, lean principles, manufacturing competitiveness, and sustainability. As a Manufacturing Engineering Technology associate degree graduate, you're prepared for a career as a technologist to apply the fundamentals of materials selection, tooling, assembly and automation to the solution of manufacturing and production related activities.  The Manufacturing Engineering Technology Associate's Degree program also prepares students to work in the manufacturing sector assisting engineering and management in the design and development of new products and in the improvement of production processes. 

Upon successful completion of this program, students will be able to:

  • Characterize lean culture and tools can help an organization achieve operational excellence          
  • Apply proper engineering principles in design     
  • Utilize computer-aided applications in design and manufacture of products and processes              
  • Demonstrate the principles of material selection and application              
  • Apply automation principles for design and control of manufacturing processes
Plan of Study Grid
Semester 1Credits
804-197 College Algebra and Trigonometry with Applications 5
801-136 English Composition 1 3
620-902 Mechanics of Learning for Industrial Technologies 1
449-300 Safety for General Industry 1
421-310 Print Reading for Manufacturing 1
620-101 Fundamentals of DC Circuits 1 1
606-310 GD&T Interpretations 1
620-146 Basic Mechanics 1
606-480 CAD Fundamentals - 2D Drawing 1
606-176 CAD Fund-Solid Modeling 1
620-116 Fluid Power 1: Basic Pneumatics 1
Semester 2
806-154 General Physics 1 4
422-100 Metallurgy 3
620-113 Fundamentals of AC Circuits 1 1
620-111 Programming Fundamentals 1 1
444-335 CNC Mill Fundamentals 1
444-336 CNC Lathe Fundamentals 1
620-117 Fluid Power 2: Basic Hydraulics 1
606-155 Statics & Dynamics 1 1
606-156 Statics & Dynamics 2 1
606-157 Statics & Dynamics 3 1
623-622 Lean Manufacturing 1
620-121 Programmable Automation Controllers (PACs) 1 1
Semester 3
102-155 Introduction to Project Management 3
801-197 Technical Reporting 3
809-196 Introduction to Sociology 3
442-318 Introduction to Welding 1
620-126 Robotics 1 1
623-169 Lean Manufacturing Systems 3
Industrial Internet of Things Fundamentals
or Reliability Engineering
or Strength of Materials
Semester 4
809-198 Introduction to Psychology 3
444-354 Basic CAM 1
623-147 Manufacturing System Design 3
Automated Systems Integration
or Lean Six Sigma
or Engineering Graphics - Parametric Modeling
Industrial Automation
or Quality Improvement
or Design of Machines
623-465 Manufacturing Engineering Technology Internship 1
623-180 Manufacturing Engineering Technology Capstone 3
 Total Credits68

General Education Courses

801-136English Composition 13
801-197Technical Reporting3
804-197College Algebra and Trigonometry with Applications5
809-196Introduction to Sociology3
809-198Introduction to Psychology3
806-154General Physics 14