Medical Administrative Specialist

Associate of Applied Science Degree

The Medical Administrative Specialist Associate Degree program provides educational opportunities for those interested in working in a variety of health care office settings including medical office, clinic, hospitals, public health departments, insurance companies, and medical product manufacturers.  Medical Administrative Specialist students receive specialized training in medical ethics, records management, office procedures, medical terminology, human anatomy, health insurance, medical billing, medical transcription, coding, and MS Office Suite software.

Upon successful completion of this program, students will be able to:

  • Demonstrate the medical legal aspects of health care office practices including confidentiality of health records, release of information, patient’s rights, health records as legal evidence, informed consent, malpractice, agency, physician and employee liability.
  • Produce quality medical documents.
  • Use medical terminology and knowledge of the human body systems in performing essential functions in business health care setting.
  • Perform financial practices through analysis of payer data and reimbursement methods.
  • Demonstrate professionalism in a healthcare setting.
  • Perform routine healthcare administrative procedures
Plan of Study Grid
Semester 1Credits
102-148 Introduction to Business and Management 3
106-127 Administrative Office Communications 3
501-101 Medical Terminology 3
501-107 Digital Literacy for Health Care 2
801-136 English Composition 1 3
Semester 2
106-142 Customer Service Essentials 1
160-113 Health Insurance 3
160-114 Healthcare Records Management 3
160-118 Pharmacology for Medical Administrative Coder and Medical Administrative Specialist 2
Mathematical Reasoning
or Intermediate Algebra with Applications
806-194 Survey of Anatomy and Physiology 3
Semester 3
103-107 Intermediate Excel 2
160-105 Medical Editing and the Electronic Medical Record 3
103-128 Introduction to Microsoft Office Suites 2
160-136 Patient Billing and Reimbursement 4
530-102 Medical Office Coding I 3
801-198 Speech 3
Semester 4
160-103 Medical Transcription 4
160-124 Supervised Occupational Experience-Medical Office 1
106-147 Administrative Office Management 1 1
106-150 Administrative Office Management 2 1
809-166 Introduction to Ethics: Theory and Application 3
809-196 Introduction to Sociology 3
809-198 Introduction to Psychology 3
 Total Credits62-63

General Education Courses Within Program

801-136English Composition 13
804-134Mathematical Reasoning3-4
or 804-118 Intermediate Algebra with Applications
806-194Survey of Anatomy and Physiology3
809-166Introduction to Ethics: Theory and Application3
809-196Introduction to Sociology3
809-198Introduction to Psychology3