Physical Therapist Assistant

Associate of Applied Science Degree

The physical therapist assistant (PTA) is a technically educated health provider who assists the physical therapist (PT) in the provision of physical therapy and may perform physical therapy interventions selected by the supervising PT. The PTA works under the direction and supervision of the PT, helping manage conditions such as back and neck injuries related to work and sports, and others. PTA’s work in a broad range of settings. 

Upon successful completion of this program, students will be able to:

  • Demonstrate clear and collaborative communication with patients, families, and the health care team
  • Exhibit behaviors and conduct that reflect respect and sensitivity according to physical therapy practice standards
  • Function under the supervision of a physical therapist in a safe, legal ethical manner to ensure the safety of patients, self, and others throughout the clinical interaction
  • Produce documentation to support the delivery of physical therapy services
  • Demonstrate critical thinking skills to implement and modify treatment within a plan of care under the direction and supervision of a physical therapist.
  • Perform data collection essential for carrying out the plan of care under the direction and supervision of a physical therapist
  • Perform technically competent evidence-based interventions under the direction and supervision of a physical therapist
  • Educate patients, families and other health care providers
  • Integrate components of operational and fiscal practices of physical therapy service in a variety of settings
  • Implement a self-directed plan for career development, credentials and lifelong learning

View the entire course listing.

Plan of Study Grid
Courses Taken Prior to Program EntryCredits
801-136 English Composition 1 3
801-198 Speech 3
Mathematical Reasoning
or Intermediate Algebra with Applications
806-177 General Anatomy and Physiology 4
806-179 Advanced Anatomy and Physiology 1-4
Semester 1
524-139 PTA Patient Interventions 4
524-156 PTA Applied Kinesiology 1 4
524-157 PTA Applied Kinesiology 2 3
Semester 2
524-140 PTA Professional Issues 1 2
524-142 PTA Therapeutic Exercise 3
524-143 PTA Biophysical Agents 4
524-145 PTA Principles of Musculoskletal Rehabilitation 4
Semester 3
524-144 PTA Principles of Neuromuscular Rehabilitation 4
524-146 PTA Principles of Cardiopulmonary & Integumentary Conditions 3
524-147 PTA Clinical Practice 1 2
809-198 Introduction to Psychology 3
Semester 4
524-148 PTA Clinical Practice 2 3
524-149 PTA Rehab Across the Lifespan 2
524-150 PTA Professional Issues 2 2
524-151 PTA Clinical Practice 3 5
809-172 Introduction to Diversity Studies 3
 Total Credits65-69

General Education Courses Within Program

801-136English Composition 13
804-134Mathematical Reasoning3-4
or 804-118 Intermediate Algebra with Applications
806-177General Anatomy and Physiology4
806-179Advanced Anatomy and Physiology4
809-172Introduction to Diversity Studies3
809-198Introduction to Psychology3