Supply Chain Management

Associate of Applied Science Degree

The BTC Supply Chain Management degree is a four-semester, 65 credit, 100% flexible program  where students will receive a fundamental introduction to the major functions of supply chain business processes along with development of management and technology skills.  The program prepares students to manage and coordinate functions that support product & service development, manufacture and delivery.  This typically includes purchasing materials/services, managing inventories of materials/finished products and coordinating the warehousing and delivery of these items. Supply chain students will go beyond these typical logistics functions and seek to learn how to support the financial well-being of the company as they develop skills in planning and analysis.  After completion, they will enter jobs, be productive with a minimum of on-the-job training, and advance to a position of increased responsibility with well developed abilities in communication, negotiation, project management and process improvement skills. 

Upon successful completion of this program, students will be able to:

  • Implement Supply Management practices in a global environment
  • Demonstrate operations management techniques across product and service industries
  • Analyze logistic interfaces and activities in a supply chain
  • Evaluate demand management techniques and customer service policies
Plan of Study Grid
Semester 1Credits
102-148 Introduction to Business and Management 3
182-103 Introduction to Supply Chain Management 3
103-128 Introduction to Microsoft Office Suites 2
196-100 Supervision: Applying Human Resource Procedures 1
801-136 English Composition 1 3
804-118 Intermediate Algebra with Applications 4
Semester 2
101-111 Accounting I 4
102-155 Introduction to Project Management 3
103-107 Intermediate Excel 2
182-107 Distribution & Logistics 3
196-157 Essentials of Quality: Quality Management Basics 1
801-198 Speech 3
Semester 3
102-114 Principles of Operations Planning 3
102-115 Management Principles 3
Principles of Manufacturing Management
or Global Business Fundamentals
196-108 Health, Safety and Security 3
196-158 Essentials of Quality: Quality Data Assessment 1
804-189 Introductory Statistics 3
Semester 4
Lean Six Sigma
or Customer Service Management
182-106 Purchasing 3
182-108 Supply Chain Management Internship 2
196-159 Essentials of Quality: Lean Tools 1
809-198 Introduction to Psychology 3
809-143 Microeconomics 3
 Total Credits63

General Education Courses Within Program

801-136English Composition 13
804-118Intermediate Algebra with Applications4
804-189Introductory Statistics3
809-198Introduction to Psychology3