Welding Fabrication and Robotics

Associate of Applied Science Degree

In the Welding Fabrication & Robotics Associate Degree program learners program and operate CNC cutting and forming equipment, as well as robotic welders, developing the skills needed to work in an advanced metal manufacturing environment. Learners also expand their print reading skills through fabrication layout, fixturing and precision measurement. Welding metallurgy and machine shop principles are also studied. Critical thinking skills are built through problem solving activities that foster teamwork, positive attitudes and an understanding of global competition.

Upon successful completion of this program, students will be able to:

  • Demonstrate industry recognized safety practices
  • Form materials to detailed drawings
  • Cut materials to detailed drawings
  • Join materials to detailed drawings
  • Layout components/assemblies
  • Inspect product
Plan of Study Grid
Semester 1Credits
442-109 Mechanics of Learning for Welding 1
449-300 Safety for General Industry 1
442-318 Introduction to Welding 1
442-343 Welding Blueprint Reading 1 1
421-310 Print Reading for Manufacturing 1
442-154 Thermal Cutting 1
442-155 Gas Metal Arc Welding 1 1
442-156 Gas Metal Arc Welding 2 1
442-157 Gas Metal Arc Welding 3 1
442-158 Gas Metal Arc Welding 4 1
442-159 Gas Metal Arc Welding 5 1
442-160 Gas Metal Arc Welding 6 1
442-132 GMAW Stainless Steel 1 1
442-177 GMAW Aluminum 1 1
804-113 College Technical Mathematics 1A 3
Semester 2
442-148 Flux Cored Arc Welding 1 1
442-149 Flux Cored Arc Welding 2 1
442-150 Flux Cored Arc Welding 3 1
442-151 Flux Cored Arc Welding 4 1
442-152 Flux Cored Arc Welding 5 1
442-161 Gas Tungsten Arc Welding 1 1
442-162 Gas Tungsten Arc Welding 2 1
442-163 Gas Tungsten Arc Welding 3 1
442-164 Gas Tungsten Arc Welding 4 1
442-165 Gas Tungsten Arc Welding 5 1
442-172 Welding Codes 1
442-173 Weld Inspection and Testing 1
442-139 Metal Finishing-General Fabrication 1
457-100 Material Handling 1
801-136 English Composition 1 3
Semester 3
620-146 Basic Mechanics 1
620-168 Lathe Operations for Industrial Technicians 1
620-169 Milling Operations for Industrial Technicians 1
606-480 CAD Fundamentals - 2D Drawing 1
606-176 CAD Fund-Solid Modeling 1
620-903 Troubleshooting Integrated Manufacturing Systems 1 1
620-101 Fundamentals of DC Circuits 1 1
620-111 Programming Fundamentals 1 1
620-112 Programming Fundamentals 2 1
620-126 Robotics 1 1
620-127 Robotics 2 1
457-101 Jig and Fixture for Welding 1
442-175 Robotic GMAW 1
442-176 Robotic GMAW 2 1
801-197 Technical Reporting 3
Semester 4
442-174 Resistance Welding 1
457-102 CNC Cutting 1
457-103 CNC Bending 1
442-116 Welding Metal Fabrication 1
442-117 Welding Metal Fabrication 2 1
457-104 Sheet Metal Fabrication  1
457-105 Sheet Metal Fabrication 2  1
457-106 Metal Fab Application 1 1
457-107 Metal Fab Application 2 1
457-108 Metal Fab Application 3 1
809-196 Introduction to Sociology 3
809-198 Introduction to Psychology 3
 Total Credits67

General Education Courses Within Program

801-136English Composition 13
801-197Technical Reporting3
804-113College Technical Mathematics 1A3
809-196Introduction to Sociology3
809-198Introduction to Psychology3