General Educational Development Certificate (GED) and High School Equivalency Diploma Preparation (HSED)


GED/HSED preparation and programming(more formally known as General Educational Development and High School Equivalency Diploma) is open to all adults. GED/HSED classes are offered at Blackhawk's Beloit-Janesville Campus, Monroe Campus as well other community sites.

There are structured classes, as well as individualized study options available to students to best meet their needs.  GED/HSED classes are provided at no cost to students, although some sites may charge minimal material fees.  For additional information, contact (608) 757-7666.

General Educational Development (GED) Testing Service® – A Program of the American Council on Education

Blackhawk Technical College is an official testing center for General Educational Development (GED) Testing Service/Pearson Vue Testing. Testing is offered at the Beloit-Janesville Campus, Monroe Campus, and the Rock County Jail. Students seeking to test must be at least 18 ½ years old, excluding students whose senior class has graduated or those under an approved high school contract. Orientation and testing information are available at or from the Testing Center, located on Central Campus. GED Orientation is now offered through an online class.

General Educational Development (GED) and High School Equivalency Diploma (HSED) Credentials

The GED/HSED test batteries measure high school-level knowledge and skills. The tests are designed to measure the academic outcomes normally acquired by completing a typical high school program of study. The GED test battery consists of four (4) tests: Language Arts (this contains an essay portion), Mathematics, Science, and Social Studies. In Wisconsin, you are also required to pass a 100-question civics test. The HSED credential is earned by completing the four (4) GED tests, the 100-question civics test, and two (2) additional competencies: Health and Employability Skills. All students are required to obtain counseling from an approved educational advisor (GED/HSED Orientation) and complete a career assessment. Blackhawk Technical College offers classes to prepare for the GED/HSED test batteries throughout the Blackhawk Technical College District. Classes are flexible and can often be taken during the day or evening and online.

GED / HSED Completion Ceremony

Individuals who have earned either the GED or HSED credential have an opportunity to participate in a completion ceremony. This ceremony is typically held once a year in May. Family and friends are welcome to attend and celebrate this accomplishment.