Substance Abuse Education

One-Year Embedded Technical Diploma

The Substance Abuse Education Technical Diploma prepares individuals to help prevent substance abuse, counsel individuals and families with drug and alcohol problems, and perform intervention and therapeutic services for persons suffering from addiction. Includes instruction in individual and group counseling skills, psychology of addiction, substance abuse identification methodologies, substance abuse treatment modalities, substance abuse prevention and treatment resources, psychopharmacology, treatment evaluation, patient education, and professional standards and ethics.

  • Clinically evaluate for substance use disorders and treatment needs
  • Develop treatment plans
  • Facilitate referral to meet needs
  • Demonstrate service coordination skills
  • Demonstrate counseling skills with individuals, groups, and families
  • Provide education relevant to substance use
  • Maintain clinical records according to agency, federal and state guidelines
  • Adhere to accepted culturally competent, ethical, and behavioral conduct
Plan of Study Grid
Semester 1Credits
550-100 Substance Use Assessment, Diagnosis & Treatment 3
550-120 Psychopharmacology 3
550-115 Understanding Addiction 3
550-119 Substance Use Disorder Counseling 3
Semester 2
520-105 Intro to Addiction and Substance Abuse Disorders 3
520-106 Professional Practices in Human Services 3
520-109 Group Facilitation 3
520-113 Rehabilitation Services 3
 Total Credits24