Medical Administrative Coder (160)

Information provided includes course descriptions by subject only. For complete 2024-2025 programs/academic plans, please refer to Academic Programs.

160-103 Medical Transcription

This course provides the student with instruction using audio equipment and medically oriented materials. Emphasis is placed on developing the ability to use references to produce accurate, correctly formatted medical reports in an efficient manner, using correct spelling, punctuation, proofreading, and grammar. Medical report style and format are reviewed. The student will produce various medical and surgical reports representative of those typed in hospitals and clinics using a word processing program. Students should also have a strong background in grammar, punctuation, medical terminology, and medical document formatting.

Aid Code: 10 - undefined.
Credits: 1-4
Pre-requisites: (106-105 or 160-105) and (106-118 or 160-118)

160-105 Medical Editing and the Electronic Medical Record

The emphasis of this course is on the creation and editing of medically oriented documents. The AHDI Book of Style will be used during a module that will include an introduction to transcription. Analysis and summarization of medical records will be covered. Students will edit speech recognition files and transcribe dictated recordings. Work will be done to improve keyboard speed and accuracy through the use of timed writings.

Aid Code: 10 - undefined.
Restrictions: Restricted to students admitted to Program.
Credits: 1-3
Pre-requisites: (106-120 or 501-101) and (806-194 or 806-177)

160-113 Health Insurance

The student will gain knowledge and practical skill development in the health care insurance area. This course provides an introduction to health insurance including understanding private and governmental payers, specific health insurance terminology and its meaning, understanding the role of medical coding in the billing of third-party payers for services and procedures received by the patient, linking of codes on the claim form demonstrating medical necessity, privacy and HIPAA, and effectively using technology and resources for problem solving. Student will apply third-party payer (private and governmental) rules when completing CMS-1500 claim forms. The student will also be able to better understand his/her personal insurance coverage.

Aid Code: 10 - undefined.
Credits: 1-3
Pre-requisites: (ASSET Writing Skills, 44 or COMPASS Writing Skills, 070 or ACT English, 18 or AccuPlacer Sentence Skills, 083 or Next Gen AccuPlacer Writng, 255 or Test Waived-College Degree or 831-103 or 831-103 or 801-136 or 801-195) and (COMPASS Reading Skills, 073 or ACT Reading, 16 or 801-196 or Next Gen AccuPlacer Reading, 251 or ASSET Reading Skills, 39 or AccuPlacer Reading Comp, 076 or Test Waived-College Degree or 838-104 or 838-104 or 801-198 or 806-110 or 806-112 or 806-118 or 806-134 or 806-139 or 806-154 or 806-177 or 806-199 or 806-186 or 809-198 or 809-103 or 809-166 or 809-172 or 809-188 or 809-195 or 809-143 or 809-196 or 809-199)
Co-requisites: (501-107) and (501-101)

160-114 Healthcare Records Management

This course covers the systematic control of information in each phase of the record life cycle: creation, distribution, use, maintenance, and disposition. Topics will include systems of filing and storage (general and medical specific); organizing, managing, and controlling the system; potential careers; and trends in technology. Ethical/legal issues in the healthcare field will be addressed. Information on the EHR/EMR (electronic health record/electronic medical record) will also be covered. Simulations will provide hands-on experience with major filing classification systems in both paper and computer database (EHR) formats. Touch keyboarding and basic computers skills are necessary for this course.

Aid Code: 10 - undefined.
Credits: 1-3
Co-requisites: 501-107 and 501-101

160-118 Pharmacology for Medical Administrative Coder and Medical Administrative Specialist

Pharmacology for MAC/MAS (Medical Administrative Coder and Medical Administrative Specialist) will provide an introduction to the use of pharmacology terminology and context. Included is information on medication actions, dosage forms, routes of administration, and drug uses. Students will research and create presentations on the pathophysiology of the human body in conjunction with treatments used to combat various diseases and conditions. Emphasis is on the terminology necessary for medical reports used in transcription and coding.

Aid Code: 10 - undefined.
Credits: 1-2
Pre-requisites: (106-120 or 160-120 or 501-101)

160-120 Medical Terminology for Coding

This course provides a combination of the study of medical vocabulary and the application of that vocabulary in an office setting. Students will learn the pronunciation, spelling, definition, and correct usage of medical terms used in a variety of healthcare office applications, with an emphasis on terminology necessary for medical reports used in transcription and coding. Students will also learn how to divide medical words into their component parts: the root word, the suffix, the prefix, and the combining form.

Aid Code: 10 - undefined.
Credits: 1-3
Pre-requisites: (ASSET Writing Skills, 44 or COMPASS Writing Skills, 070 or ACT English, 18 or AccuPlacer Sentence Skills, 083 or Test Waived-College Degree or 831-103 or 831-103 or 801-195 or 801-136) and (AccuPlacer Reading Comp, 076 or COMPASS Reading Skills, 073 or ACT Math, 16 or ASSET Reading Skills, 39 or Test Waived-College Degree or 838-104 or 838-104 or 801-195 or 801-196 or 801-198 or 806-110 or 806-112 or 806-118 or 806-134 or 806-139 or 806-154 or 806-177 or 806-186 or 806-194 or 806-199 or 809-103 or 809-166 or 809-172 or 809-188 or 809-195 or 809-143 or 809-196 or 809-198 or 809-199)

160-124 Supervised Occupational Experience-Medical Office

In this course, students apply and interview for medical office internship placements. Once selected, the student will apply the knowledge and skills obtained in the classroom to the work environment.

Aid Code: 10 - undefined.
Credits: 0.5-1
Pre-requisites: (106-114 or 160-114) and (106-136 or 160-136) and (530-102 or 530-150)

160-136 Patient Billing and Reimbursement

This course emphasizes the accurate processing and trending of health insurance claims, the modifications in state and federal regulations affecting the health insurance industry, private, government, and workers’ compensation payer requirements, and abstracting data from source documents. Students will research and analyze topics such as HIPAA privacy standards, HITECH security rule, Conditions of Participation, fraud and abuse, False Claims Act, Stark Law, Truth in Lending Act, and Quality Payment Program.

Aid Code: 10 - undefined.
Credits: 1-4
Pre-requisites: 106 120 or 501-101 or 160-113 or 106-113