Supervision & Leadership Devlp (196)

Information provided includes course descriptions by subject only. For complete 2024-2025 programs/academic plans, please refer to Academic Programs.

196-100 Supervision: Applying Human Resource Procedures

This course introduces the basics of managing people. Learners will understand how attitude plays a significant role in creating a supportive work environment. Other topics include building trust, motivating and empowering employees to promote retention, and improving work relations through support and asking the right questions. Training and assessing employee understanding of the work processes and procedures is studied along with creating solid goals and expectations to promote employee success.

Aid Code: 10 - undefined.
Credits: 0.05-1

196-101 Principles of Supervision

This course as designed to give the student an overview of such supervisory skills as leadership and interpersonal skills, motivation communications, decision-making and training at the first-line supervision level. The duties and responsibilities of supervisors, the rule of supervisors, the role of supervision in an organization and making the transition to supervision are also included.

Aid Code: 10 - undefined.
Credits: 1-3

196-103 Employment Law

Introduces and explores legal issues concerning employment and their effect on the workplace. Through in-depth case analyses, oral presentations, and debates, students learn about the intricacies of federal and Wisconsin equal employment opportunity laws. Topics include legislation and Supreme Court decisions related to civil rights, age discrimination, disabilities, pay equity, affirmative action, etc.

Aid Code: 10 - undefined.
Credits: 1-3

196-108 Health, Safety and Security

The importance of workplace safety for the worker, the employer and the community is emphasized. Students review the various safety and health issues affecting today’s business organizations and workplaces. OSHA regulations play a key role in understanding compliance issues. Teams of students conduct research on a specific safety topic and conduct a safety presentation based on their research.

Aid Code: 10 - undefined.
Credits: 1-3

196-115 Compensation and Benefits

This course focuses on the compensation and benefit elements that make up total compensation. This course covers base pay, merit pay and variable pay programs and examines such benefits as government regulation, group welfare plans, pension plans and flexible benefit plans. Students learn to apply the principles of compensation management to maintain an organization's competitive advantage while complying with state and federal law. Topics include job analysis, descriptions, and evaluation; pay and benefits surveys; budgeting as related to compensation; and comparable worth issues. The course promotes an understanding of mandated and discretionary employee benefits. It will focus on the major categories of benefits, including planning and administration, compliance with regulations, insurance, retirement plans, paid time off from work, accommodation and enhancement benefits. The students will participate in a variety of activities in which they will investigate current benefits programs, design or modify benefits programs to reflect today's work environment, and administer benefits thought simulations and role playing. As a major team project, students complete a simulation to design a complete compensation and benefits program.

Aid Code: 10 - undefined.
Credits: 1-3

196-116 Staffing Organizations

Learners will focus on recruitment, selection, orientation and hiring practices. This course examines what today's workforce expects and how to efficiently use the recruitment budget. All steps of the hiring process are reviewed. This material supplements the legal aspects of the employment process. Students develop the tools necessary for interviewing individuals in a variety of settings. Through hands on projects students practice their skills by completing probing, survey, recruitment, employment, and performance interviews.

Aid Code: 10 - undefined.
Credits: 1-3
Co-requisites: 196-193

196-140 Supervision: Control Process and Leadership Skills

Learners will determine how to increase personal productivity every day, and how to get the most productivity from the team while maintaining quality and employee well-being. Topics include planning and preparation for the day, goal-setting, time management, delegating work, eliminating distractions, taking breaks, and more, to attain productivity and quality goals. Learners will determine how to identify, measure, and influence successful outcomes of individual productivity as well as department productivity.

Aid Code: 10 - undefined.
Credits: 0.05-1

196-153 Supervision: Improving Performance and Discipline

Learners will learn how to deal with difficult employees while maintaining composure. Learners will determine the difference between counseling and correcting employees along with effective methods for each. Learners will understand accountability for themselves and the employees who report to them. Discussions provide understanding of the employee evaluation process and the discipline process. Focus is “When a supervisor does a good job of leading, problem-solving, communicating, and motivating, MOST employees will perform well.”.

Aid Code: 10 - undefined.
Credits: 0.05-1

196-157 Essentials of Quality: Quality Management Basics

In this first course, learners examine the role of the supervisor in assisting an organization to produce a quality product and/or service. Learners are introduced to Total Quality Management concepts and tools needed in the workplace to stay competitive.

Aid Code: 10 - undefined.
Credits: 0.05-1

196-158 Essentials of Quality: Quality Data Assessment

In this second course, learners begin to develop a personal philosophy of quality, identifying stakeholder relationships, and determining how to meet/exceed customer expectations. Learners will begin to evaluate process weaknesses to select specific time based improvement techniques.

Aid Code: 10 - undefined.
Credits: 0.5-1

196-159 Essentials of Quality: Lean Tools

In this third course, learners will map and evaluate processes, looking for areas of improvement by reducing internal time and effort, reducing opportunities for defects, and areas that will increase overall customer satisfaction.

Aid Code: 10 - undefined.
Credits: 0.5-1

196-161 Team Building: Communicating and Building Cohesiveness

Learners explore the components of an effective team environment. Individual roles within the team and team problem-solving are examined and applied. The role of effective communications and its importance to team success is introduced. Learners will understand how to recognize and manage the stages of team development by focusing on team goals, and how to encourage and honor the strengths of each individual and the contributions to team success. Emphasis it placed on how an inviting, kind, and encouraging workplace culture can engage and retain employees. Focus is on individual strengths, meeting individual needs for success, and team focus on goals and expectations.

Aid Code: 10 - undefined.
Credits: 0.05-1

196-162 Team Building: Motivation Tactics

Learners will explore several motivation theories in this course including to influence workers to become more productive or perform at higher levels of quality. Learners will determine how to influence employees by helping to set SMART goals, by using energizing techniques, and by rewarding the positive behavior desired in the workplace. Learners understand how behavior as a leader can truly motivate the team on a daily basis. In addition, learners will gain knowledge in how to set goals with “SPIRIT” in order to guide employees through annual professional development planning; explore an effective format for interviewing employees during performance reviews; and, how to develop probing questions to encourage the employee to take an active role in the discussions on job performance.

Aid Code: 10 - undefined.
Credits: 0.05-1

196-163 Team Building: Inclusion and Engagement

Learners will understand how to take a team from good to great by effectively engaging them in their work on a daily basis. This course provides insight on how to encourage the heart of every employee to feel belonging in the work community through friendly interaction, constructive conflict, and creative problem solving. Employee engagement leads to long-term retention, so this course is critical in understanding how to prevent employee turn-over. Learners will understand how Emotional Intelligence (maturity) plays a significant role in how we manage our emotions in connection with the people we work with. Learners will explore ways to better understand human emotions, keep them in control, and work effectively to move forward productively.

Aid Code: 10 - undefined.
Credits: 0.05-1

196-164 Leadership Practicum

Learners will obtain a practicum with area business leaders in order to job shadow for two to three hours per week. Learners will observe and document how working professionals manage their responsibilities, and handle the day-to-day issues of the workplace. Learners may perform tasks while under the supervision of the leaders and provide weekly reports tying the experiences to the Organizational Leadership Program topics.

Aid Code: 10 - undefined.
Credits: 0.5-1
Pre-requisites: (196-100) and (196-140) and (196-153) and (196-157) and (196-158) and (196-161) and (196-162) and (196-190) and (116-168)
Co-requisites: (196-159) and (196-163) and (116-102)

196-168 Organizational Development

This course introduces the Human Resources student to the different motivational mechanics that affect individuals, teams and organizations. Focus is placed on understanding individual differences and how they are manifested within an organization. Students will practice methods to improve communication and managing conflicts that occur at different levels within an organization.

Aid Code: 10 - undefined.
Credits: 1-3

196-190 Leadership Development

Learners are introduced to leadership theories and practices. The roles of management vs. leadership are explored with a focus on proactive leadership. Other topics include: conflict management style and dealing with conflict; adapting leadership styles to different situations; difficult conversations with employees; change management; and motivating employees to achieve company goals. The importance and value of diversity will be emphasized.

Aid Code: 10 - undefined.
Credits: 1-3

196-193 Human Resource Management

Establishes a foundation for development of employee effectiveness by focusing on the supervisor's role in understanding, communicating, and implementing organizational policies. Focus is placed on: employee hiring; orientation and training; performance management; motivating employees and related topics that affect the supervisor's work group.

Aid Code: 10 - undefined.
Credits: 1-3

196-199 Warehouse Worker Safety

Students will learn and demonstrate workplace practices that enable the safe movement of employees, equipment and materials. The course will focus on protective equipment (PPE), OSHA work standards, hazardous material handling, forklift safety and commercial driver guidelines.

Aid Code: 10 - undefined.
Credits: 3

196-403 Effective Meeting Management

This course will provide a broad overview of HR Leadership related topics such as key employment law, workplace harassment, interviewing techniques, and sourcing.

Aid Code: 47 - undefined.
Credits: .05

196-405 Level 1 Leadership 3

This 3-hour course will provide beginning leadership training for 3 hours.

Aid Code: 47 - undefined.
Credits: .3

196-407 Leadership Level 1-4

This 4-hour course will provide beginning leadership training for 4 hours.

Aid Code: 47 - undefined.
Credits: .4

196-408 Level 1 Leadership - 6

This 6-hour course will provide beginning leadership training for 6 hours.

Aid Code: 47 - undefined.
Credits: .6

196-409 Level 1 Leadership - 8

This 8-hour course will provide beginning leadership training for 8 hours.

Aid Code: 47 - undefined.
Credits: .8

196-410 Level 1 Leadership - 9

This 9-hour course will provide beginning leadership training for 9 hours.

Aid Code: 47 - undefined.
Credits: .9

196-411 Level 1 Leadership - 12

This 12-hour course will provide beginning leadership training for 12 hours.

Aid Code: 47 - undefined.
Credits: 1.2

196-412 Level 1 Leadership - 15

This 15-hour course will provide beginning leade3rship training for 15 hours.

Aid Code: 47 - undefined.
Credits: 1.5

196-414 Supervisory Techniques

Aid Code: 47 - undefined.
Credits: 0.1-3

196-415 Level 1 Leadership -18

This 18-hour course will provide beginning leadership training for 18 hours.

Aid Code: 47 - undefined.
Credits: 1.8

196-416 Level 1 Leadership -20

This 20-hour course will provide beginning leadership training for 20 hours.

Aid Code: 47 - undefined.
Credits: 2

196-417 Level 1 Leadership - 21

This 21-hour course will provide beginning leadership training for 21 hours.

Aid Code: 47 - undefined.
Credits: 2.1

196-418 Level 1 Leadership - 24

This 24-hour course will provide beginning leadership training for 24 hours.

Aid Code: 47 - undefined.
Credits: 2.4

196-419 Level 1 Leadership - 27

This 27-hour course will provide beginning leadership training for 27 hours.

Aid Code: 47 - undefined.
Credits: 2.7

196-420 LDRSHP/DEV Frontline Leadrship

Aid Code: 47 - undefined.
Credits: 0.1-4

196-421 Ldrshp/Dev Interpersonal Skill

Aid Code: 47 - undefined.
Credits: 0.1-3

196-422 Ldrshp/Dev Ind Performance

Aid Code: 47 - undefined.
Credits: 0.1-4

196-423 Ldrshp/Dev Team Performance

Aid Code: 47 - undefined.
Credits: 0.1-4

196-424 Ldrshp/Making Orgniznal Impact

Aid Code: 47 - undefined.
Credits: 0.1-3

196-425 Ldrshp/Managing Chg&Innovation

Aid Code: 47 - undefined.
Credits: 0.1-3

196-427 Leadership/Problem Solving

Aid Code: 47 - undefined.
Credits: 0.1-3

196-428 Level 1 Leadership -28

This 28-hour course will provide beginning leadership training for 28 hours.

Aid Code: 47 - undefined.
Credits: 2.8

196-429 Level 1 Leadership - 30

This 30-hour course will provide beginning leadership training for 30 hours.

Aid Code: 47 - undefined.
Credits: 3

196-430 Level 1 Leadership - 32

This 32-hour course will provide beginning leadership training for 32 hours.

Aid Code: 47 - undefined.
Credits: 3.2

196-431 Level 1 Leadership - 33

This 33-hour course will provide beginning leadership training for 33 hours.

Aid Code: 47 - undefined.
Credits: 3.3

196-432 Level 1 Leadership - 36

This 36-hour course will provide beginning leadership training for 36 hours.

Aid Code: 47 - undefined.
Credits: 3.6

196-433 Level 1 Leadership - 39

This 39-hour course will provide beginning leadership training for 39 hours.

Aid Code: 47 - undefined.
Credits: 3.9

196-434 Level 1 Leadership - 40

This 40-hour course will provide beginning leadership training for 40 hours.

Aid Code: 47 - undefined.
Credits: 4

196-435 Level 1 Leadership for 3 hours

This 3 hour course will provide intermediate leadership training for 3 hours.

Aid Code: 47 - undefined.
Credits: .3

196-436 Level 2 Leadership - 4

This course will provide intermediate leadership training for 4 hours.

Aid Code: 47 - undefined.
Credits: .4

196-437 Level 2 Leadership for 6 hours

This course will provide intermediate leadership training for 6 hours.

Aid Code: 47 - undefined.
Credits: .15

196-438 Level 2 Leadership - 8

Aid Code: 47 - undefined.
Credits: .8

196-439 Level 2 Leadership for 9 hours

This course will provide intermediate leadership training for 9 hours.

Aid Code: 47 - undefined.
Credits: .25

196-440 Level 2 Leadership for 12 hour

This course will provide intermediate leadership training for 12 hours.

Aid Code: 47 - undefined.
Credits: .3

196-441 Level 2 Leadership for 15 hour

This course will provide intermediate leadership training for 15 hours.

Aid Code: 47 - undefined.
Credits: .4

196-442 Level2 leadership for 16 hours

This course will provide intermediate leadership training for 16 hours.

Aid Code: 47 - undefined.
Credits: .4

196-443 Leve2 Leadership 18

This course will provide intermediate leadership training for 18 hours.

Aid Code: 47 - undefined.
Credits: .45

196-444 Level2 Leadership - 20

This course will provide intermediate leadership training for 20 hours.

Aid Code: 47 - undefined.
Credits: .5

196-445 Level 2 Leadership - 21 hours

This course will provide intermediate leadership training for 21 hours.

Aid Code: 47 - undefined.
Credits: .55

196-446 Level 2 Leadership - 24

This course will provide intermediate leadership training for 24 hours.

Aid Code: 47 - undefined.
Credits: .6

196-447 Level 2 Leadership - 27

This course will provide intermediate leadership training for 27 hours.

Aid Code: 47 - undefined.
Credits: .7

196-448 Level 2 Leadership - 28

This course will provide intermediate leadership training for 28 hours.

Aid Code: 47 - undefined.
Credits: .7

196-449 Level 2 Leadership - 30

This course will provide intermediate leadership training for 30 hours.

Aid Code: 47 - undefined.
Credits: .75

196-450 Level 2 Leadership - 32

This course will provide intermediate leadership training for 32 hours.

Aid Code: 47 - undefined.
Credits: .8

196-451 Level 2 Leadership - 33

This course will provide intermediate leadership training for 33 hours.

Aid Code: 47 - undefined.
Credits: .85

196-452 Level 2 Leadership - 36

This course will provide intermediate leadership training for 36 hours.

Aid Code: 47 - undefined.
Credits: .9

196-453 Level 2 Leadership - 39

This course will provide intermediate leadership training for 39 hours.

Aid Code: 47 - undefined.
Credits: 1

196-454 Level 2 Leadership - 40

This course will provide intermediate leadership training for 40 hours.

Aid Code: 47 - undefined.
Credits: 1

196-455 Supervisory Training

Aid Code: 47 - undefined.
Credits: 0.1-4

196-456 Level 3 Leadership - 3

This course will provide leadership training for 3 hours.

Aid Code: 47 - undefined.
Credits: .3

196-457 Workplace Communications

Aid Code: 47 - undefined.
Credits: 0.1-2

196-458 Level 3 Leadership - 4

This 4-hour course will provide advanced leadership training for 4 hours.

Aid Code: 47 - undefined.
Credits: .4

196-459 Level 3 Leadership for 6 hours

This course will provide advanced leadership training for 6 hours.

Aid Code: 47 - undefined.
Credits: .6

196-460 Quality Assurance

Aid Code: 47 - undefined.
Credits: 0.1-3

196-461 Introduction to Lean for Leaders

This 8-hour course will provide advanced leadership training for 8 hours.

Aid Code: 47 - undefined.
Credits: 0.05-2.4

196-462 Level 3 Leadership -9

This course will provide advanced leadership training for 9 hours.

Aid Code: 47 - undefined.
Credits: .9

196-463 Level 3 Leadership for 12 hour

This course will provide advanced leadership training for 12 hours.

Aid Code: 47 - undefined.
Credits: .12

196-464 Level 3 Leadership - 15

Credits: 1.5

196-465 Level 3 Leadership - 16

This course will provide advanced leadership training for 16 hours.

Aid Code: 47 - undefined.
Credits: 1.6

196-466 Level 3 Leadership - 18

This course will provide advanced leadership training for 18 hours.

Aid Code: 47 - undefined.
Credits: .18

196-467 Level 3 Leadership for 2 hours

This course will provide advanced leadership training for 20 hours.

Aid Code: 47 - undefined.
Credits: 2

196-468 Level 3 Leadership - 21

This course will provide advanced leadership training for 21 hours.

Aid Code: 47 - undefined.
Credits: 2.1

196-469 Level 3 Leadership - 24

This course will provide advanced leadership training for 24 hours.

Aid Code: 47 - undefined.
Credits: 2.4

196-471 Level 3 Leadership - 28

This course will provide advanced leadership training for 28 hours.

Aid Code: 47 - undefined.
Credits: 2.8

196-472 Level 3 Leadership - 30

This course will provide advanced leadership training for 30 hours.

Aid Code: 47 - undefined.
Credits: 3

196-473 Level 3 Leadership - 32

This course will provide advanced leadership training for 32 hours.

Aid Code: 47 - undefined.
Credits: 3.2

196-474 Level 3 Leadership -33

This course will provide advanced leadership training for 33 hours.

Aid Code: 47 - undefined.
Credits: 3.3

196-475 Level 3 Leadership - 36

This course will provide advanced leadership training for 36 hours.

Aid Code: 47 - undefined.
Credits: 3.6

196-476 Level 3 Leadership - 39

This course will provide advanced leadership training for 39 hours.

Aid Code: 47 - undefined.
Credits: 3.9

196-477 Level 3 Leadership - 40

This course will provide advanced leadership training for 40 hours.

Aid Code: 47 - undefined.
Credits: 4

196-478 Level 1 Leadership - 35

This 35-hour course will provide beginning leadership training for 35 hours.

Aid Code: 47 - undefined.
Credits: 3.5

196-479 Networking-2

This course will teach students how to market themselves and create connections to help their careers.

Aid Code: 47 - undefined.
Credits: .05

196-480 Level 3 Leadership -27

This course will provide advanced leadership training for 27 hours.

Aid Code: 47 - undefined.
Credits: 2.7

196-496 Train-the-Trainer Series

Course will include the basics of the learning cycle along with adult learning methods for trainers.Participants will learn how to develop a training needs analysis as well as develop on onboarding/orientation to aid in retention of new employees.

Aid Code: 47 - undefined.
Credits: 0.05-4.8