Information provided includes course descriptions by subject only. For complete 2024-2025 programs/academic plans, please refer to Academic Programs.
421-110 Interpreting Schematics for Manufacturing
Interpreting Schematics for Manufacturing examines electrical symbols and diagrams, piping symbols and diagrams, hydraulic and pneumatic diagrams and symbols commonly found in the manufacturing industry.
421-310 Print Reading for Manufacturing
This course is designed to prepare students for reading prints in a manufacturing environment. In this course students will identify the purpose and function of different types of technical drawings, as well as proper drawing structure, techniques, and terminology.
421-380 Blueprint Reading(Welding)
This course is designed to help the student acquire the ability to visualize spatial relationships between two and three view drawings. Introduction to machine and welding terminology and concepts is acquired by reading a series of prints. A study of welding symbols is covered. The course emphasizes training in visualization and factual information as a means of gaining a working knowledge of the interpretation of prints related to the welding or fabrication industry.
421-385 Blueprint Reading
Blueprint reading is really learning a new language where much of it is presented in graphic or symbolic form. Students will learn about different types of drawings, proper drawing structure, and drawing terminology. They will learn to produce simple sketches and visualize two and three-dimensional parts. The experienced machine operator must be able to decipher blueprints in order to produce parts to proper specification.
421-390 Blueprint Reading Maintenance
This course focuses on reading and interpreting blueprints, drawings and graphic symbols used in industry. Students will gain experience in the ability to visualize spatial relationships between single and multiple-view drawings. Time is spent interpreting actual blueprints. Students will be able to interpret a variety of prints such as machining, mechanical, or assembly prints.
421-401 Mech Drafting
421-402 Drafting & Blueprint Reading
421-404 Introduction to CAD
421-405 Introduction To CAD II
421-406 Auto Cad
421-407 Interactive Auto CAD
421-408 Blueprint Reading-Electrical
421-409 Blueprint Reading-Mechanical
421-410 Blueprint Reading-Machinist
421-411 Blueprint Reading Machine 24
This 24 hour course will teach beginning blueprint for Reading for Machines
Define Terminology and abbreviations associated with the print reading
Differentiate between drawing and prints
Interpret the type of lines found on prints
Interpret title blocks
Interpret the layout of the views of an object
Calculate tolerances on dimensions
Interpret dimensions on print
Sketch a simple object
Dimension a drawing
Draw an orthographic projection
Interpret auxilliary view
Interpret Sectional views
Interpret Assembly drawings
Analyze Machine details
Interpret threaded screw component specifications
421-412 Geometric Dimensioning
421-413 Auto Cad-Intermediate
421-414 Auto Cad-Mechanical Desktop
421-415 Blueprint Reading-15
This 15-hour course will focus on teaching students how to read and decipher information presented in graphic or symbolic form on blueprints and introduce the Geometric Dimensioning and Tolerancing (GD&T) system of symbols used to portray mechanical specifications and relationships on mechanical drawings.
421-416 Blueprint Reading-Civil
This course introduces fundamental elements of civil blueprints including title block components, the alphabet of lines, legends, symbols, and scaling for civil and site pages.
421-417 Geometric Dimensioning & Tolerancing-16
Mechanical drafting dimensioning fundamentals are developed including conventional tolerancing and basic hole and shaft tolerancing methods.
421-420 Blueprint Reading-Architecture
421-421 Drafting-Architectural Design
421-422 Intro To Graphic Communication
421-423 Silkscreening For Printing
421-424 Computer Typesetting & Design
421-425 Technical Sketch & Lettering
421-478 Blueprint Reading