Criminal Justice (504)

Information provided includes course descriptions by subject only. For complete 2024-2025 programs/academic plans, please refer to Academic Programs.

504-446 Jail Training

Aid Code: 47 - undefined.
Credits: 0.1-20

504-479 Scenario Instructor

The course is taught by a Scenario Master Instructor Trainer, who prepares instructor candidates for certification as a Law Enforcement Standards Board certified Scenario Instructor, which includes scenario training, testing and force-on-force safety and training techniques.

Aid Code: 47 - undefined.
Credits: 0.05-1.6

504-485 Secure Juvenile Detention Officer Academy

Basic secure juvenile detention training will teach key concepts and requirements underlying secure juvenile detention facility operations in the role of the detention officer as a professional person.

Aid Code: 47 - undefined.
Credits: 16

504-493 Vehicle Contact Inst-HRVC Tran

DOJ Transition course for Vehicle Contacts Instructors. Update for High Risk Stops.

Aid Code: 47 - undefined.
Credits: .2

504-500 Overview of Patrol Response

Through classroom lecture, and on-campus lab, and WI Department of Justice integration exercises students will learn and apply skills addressed in the following WI Department of Justice 720 Academy curriculum framework Phase I topics: Critical Thinking and Decision-Making, Basic Response (RESPOND), Radio Procedures, Introduction to TraCS, Traffic Law Enforcement, and First Aid/CPR/AED. This course will also include the WI DOJ 720 Academy Integration Exercises.

Aid Code: 30 - undefined.
Credits: 0.5-2

504-501 Physical Fitness

Through classroom lecture and on-campus lab students will apply Phases I-III Health Fitness WI Department of Justice 720 Academy curriculum framework program requirements and Officer Wellness Suicide Prevention.

Aid Code: 30 - undefined.
Credits: 0.5-1

504-502 Application of Investigations

Through classroom lecture, on-campus lab, and WI Department of Justice 720 Academy integration exercises students will learn and apply skills addressed in the following Phase III topics of the Department of Justice 720 Academy curriculum framework: Ethics II: Moral Reasoning and Professional Responsibility, Cultural Competence II: Fair and Impartial Policing, Interrogations, Testifying in Court, Crimes III and Physical Evidence.

Aid Code: 30 - undefined.
Credits: 0.5-1

504-503 Overview of Criminal Justice

Through classroom lecture and WI Department of Justice 720 Academy integration exercises, students will learn and apply skills addressed in the following WI Department of Justice 720 Academy Phase I curriculum framework topics: Academy Orientation, Fundamentals of Criminal Justice, Ethics, Cultural Competency, Agency Policy, and Professional Communication.

Aid Code: 30 - undefined.
Credits: 0.5-1

504-504 Principles of Emergency Vehicle Response

Through classroom lecture, and on-campus lab, and WI Department of Justice 720 Academy integration exercises students will learn and apply skills addressed in the following Department of Justice 720 Academy Phase II topics: Emergency Vehicle Operation and Control (EVOC) and Vehicle Contacts II.

Aid Code: 30 - undefined.
Credits: 1-2

504-505 Sensitive Crimes

Through classroom lecture, and on-campus lab and WI Department of Justice 720 Academy integration exercises, students will learn and apply skills addressed in the following Department of Justice 720 Academy curriculum framework Phase III topics: Domestics, Juvenile Law, Victims, Sexual Assault, and Child Maltreatment. The DOJ Phase III Written Examination will be administered in this course.

Aid Code: 30 - undefined.
Credits: 1-2

504-506 Overview of Investigations

Through classroom lecture, on-campus lab, and WI Department of Justice 720 Academy integration exercises students will learn and apply skills addressed in the following Department of Justice 720 Academy curriculum framework Phase I topics: Constitutional Law I, Crimes I, Interviews, and Report Writing. The DOJ Phase I Written Examination will be administered in this course.

Aid Code: 30 - undefined.
Credits: 1-2

504-507 Application of Traffic Response

Through classroom lecture, and on-campus lab and WI Department of Justice integration exercises, students will learn and apply skills addressed in the following Phase III topics from the WI Department of Justice 720 Academy curriculum framework: Traffic Law Enforcement - Core and Radar, Traffic Crash Investigations & Incident Management, Operating a Motor Vehicle While Intoxicated (OMVWI), Standardized Field Sobriety Tests (SFST), Hazardous Materials and Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD), Incident Command Systems and NIMS, and Report Writing.

Aid Code: 30 - undefined.
Credits: 1-3

504-508 Principles of Investigation

Through classroom lecture, and on-campus lab, and WI Department of Justice 720 Academy integration exercises students will learn and apply skills addressed in the following Phase II topics of the WI Department of Justice 720 Academy curriculum framework: Constitutional Law II, Physical Evidence Collections, and Crisis Management. The Phase II Written Exam will be given in this course.

Aid Code: 30 - undefined.
Credits: 0.5-1

504-509 Principles of Tactics

Through classroom lecture and on-campus lab and integration exercises, students will learn and apply skills addressed in the following Phase II topics from the Department of Justice 720 Academy curriculum frameworks including: Professional Communication Skills II, DAAT, Firearms II, Tactical Response, and a Tactical Emergency Casualty Care.

Aid Code: 30 - undefined.
Credits: 1-5

504-510 Overview of Tactics

Through classroom lecture, and on-campus lab and WI Department of Justice 720 Academy integration exercises, students will learn and apply skills addressed in the following Department of Justice 720 Academy curriculum framework Phase I topics: Fundamentals of Firearms, Vehicle Contacts I, Officer Wellness, and DAAT.

Aid Code: 30 - undefined.
Credits: 0.5-1

504-511 Scenario Assessment

Through classroom lecture, and on-campus lab, and WI Department of Justice 720 Academy integration exercises students will learn and apply skills addressed in the following Phase II topics of the Department of Justice 720 Academy curriculum framework: Ethics II: Moral Reasoning and Professional Responsibility, Cultural Competence II: Fair and Impartial Policing, Victims, Sexual Assault, Child Maltreatment, Interrogations, Testifying in Court, and Crimes III.

Aid Code: 30 - undefined.
Credits: 0.5-1

504-800 Criminal Justice Instructor Development Course

This 32-hour course prepares criminal justice instructor candidates to create a learning environment that supports learners. Competencies include planning and managing learning, training and evaluation methods and delivering teaching scenarios.

Aid Code: 47 - undefined.
Credits: 3.2

504-801 Defensive Tactics Instructor Training

This 96+ hour course, taught by a Master Instructor Trainer, prepares instructor candidates for certification as a Defensive Tactics instructor. This is the new course that combines DAAT and POSC disciplines.

Aid Code: 47 - undefined.
Credits: 9.6

504-802 Defensive Tactics Transition Training

This is the 8-hour transition course to Defensive Tactics for either POSC or DAAT certified instructors.

Aid Code: 47 - undefined.
Credits: .8

504-803 Emergency Vehicle Operators Course Instructor Training

40+ hour course, taught by a Master Instructor Trainer, prepares instructor candidates for certification as a EVOC instructor.

Aid Code: 47 - undefined.
Credits: 4

504-804 Handgun and Rifle Instructor Training

56+ hour course, taught by a Master Instructor Trainer, prepares instructor candidates for certification as a Handgun and Rifle instructor.

Aid Code: 47 - undefined.
Credits: 6.4

504-805 OWI SFST Instructor Training

16+ hour course, taught by a Master Instructor Trainer, prepares instructor candidates for certification as an OWI/SFST instructor.

Aid Code: 47 - undefined.
Credits: 1.6

504-806 Professional Communication Skills Instructor Training

24+ hour course, taught by a Master Instructor Trainer, prepares instructor candidates for certification as a Professional Communications Skills instructor.

Aid Code: 47 - undefined.
Credits: 2.4

504-807 Scenario Instructor Training

This 16 hour course, taught by a Scenario Master Instructor Trainer, prepares instructor candidates for certification as an LESB Scenario Instructor, including scenario training, testing, and force-on-force safety and training techniques.

Aid Code: 47 - undefined.
Credits: 1.6

504-808 Tactical Response Instructor Training

This 32+ hour course, taught by a Master Instructor Trainer, prepares instructor candidates for certification as a Tactical Response instructor.

Aid Code: 47 - undefined.
Credits: 3.2

504-809 Vehicle Contacts Instructor Training

24+ hour course, taught by a Master Instructor Trainer, prepares instructor candidates for certification as a Vehicle Contacts instructor.

Aid Code: 47 - undefined.
Credits: 2.4

504-810 Basic Evidence Collection

This two-day course will cover evidence identification, collection, and documentation. The first day is an interactive lecture and day two is hands on evidence collection that will include processing a crime scene from start to finish. This course is great for any patrol officer who wants a more in-depth look at evidence collection.

Aid Code: 47 - undefined.
Credits: 0.05-1.6

504-910 Introduction to Corrections

A multidisciplinary study of corrections from the early 1800’s to the present. The course provides an overview of significant studies relating to the role of corrections and the methods of community treatment. The course also includes a thorough analysis of current model and practices in the correctional field. This course focuses on the roles of corrections of offenders and society. It starts with a historical and philosophical view of the development of corrections (post-adjudication processing of criminal offenders) focusing on adult offenders. Later topics include administrative and operational components of corrections, criminals in confinement, post-adjudication procedures and problems, and community corrections.

Aid Code: 10 - undefined.
Credits: 1-3

504-911 Peacekeeping in a Diverse Society

This course examines current issues related to the administration of justice in a culturally diverse society. Special focus of this couse will be on the changing ethnicity of communities and related changes in social and institutional public policy. Also discussed is cross cultural communication, implementing cultural awareness training, multicultural representation in law enforcement, and criminal justice interaction with various racial and ethnic groups.

Aid Code: 10 - undefined.
Credits: 1-3

504-916 Criminal Justice Internship

A criminal justice internship exposes you to on-the-job situations and experiences in the criminal justice arena that is dedicated to the education, enrichment and development of emerging criminal justice professionals and future leaders of the field. This provides an avenue for you to interact with and become part of the established criminal justice community through placement locations with local, state, and federal law enforcement and correctional agencies, as well as other criminal justice related organizations and entities within government as well as the private sector. It’s a great opportunity to see if a department is the right fit for you, and for them to see if you are the right fit for them.

Aid Code: 10 - undefined.
Restrictions: Restricted to students admitted to Program.
Credits: 1-3
Pre-requisites: Need Dean Approval/Chair Apprv and 504-922

504-921 Drugs, Society, Criminal Justice

This course examines the social origins and consequences of the use and abuse of consciousness-altering substances (including alcohol). It considers how society defines and deals with drug use and assesses social harm, including such issues as addictions and health effects, drugs and crime, the legislation debate, and drug policy and enforcement.

Aid Code: 10 - undefined.
Credits: 1-3
Pre-requisites: 504-922

504-922 Criminal Justice - Introduction

This first semester course is an in-depth exploration of each step of the criminal justice process from investigation through adjudication and into corrections, by introducing criminal investigation, diversity, professional communication skills, drugs in society, personal wellness strategies, and code of ethics,  It serves as an overview for the entire Criminal Justice Studies program, preparing students for success here in college and beyond as criminal justice professionals in their future careers. 

Aid Code: 10 - undefined.
Credits: 1-3

504-923 Criminal Procedure

This course explores the history and development of criminal procedural law with the Bill of Rights as the foundation. Students will analyze constitutional procedures for detention/arrest, search & seizure, and legally obtained statements by examing related court decisions.

Aid Code: 10 - undefined.
Credits: 1-3
Pre-requisites: 504-922

504-924 Introductory Criminal Law

This course discusses the creation and application of criminal law, the legal system, and constitutional protections, including elements of crimes, criminal defenses, parties to a crime, and inchoate offenses. We then cover society/victimless crimes, traffic-related crimes, property crimes, personal/violent crimes, and crimes involving children, before moving on and how we respond to these types of crimes.

Aid Code: 10 - undefined.
Credits: 1-3

504-925 Interview and Interrogation

Students will become familar with the various components of everyday professional communication within the criminal justice profession. Focus will be on building a strong interviewing foundation, before moving on to special populations, interrogation, and de-escalation. Practical role-playing exercises will help you practice these skills in an academic setting, while ultimately preparing you for the criminal justice field.

Aid Code: 10 - undefined.
Credits: 1-3

504-926 Introduction to Juvenile Justice

In this course, learners will describe ways in which the juvenile justice system fits into the criminal justice system (Law Enforcement, Court, Corrections) as a whole. Historical perspectives, theories of delinquency, application of best practices, and current trends will be discussed and applied throughout this course.

Aid Code: 10 - undefined.
Credits: 1-3

504-927 Introductory Report Writing

This course is designed to supply the student with a working knowledge of the purposes and the acceptable principles of criminal justice report writing. Attention is given to the improvement of spelling, sentence structure, punctuation, and vocabulary. Emphasis is placed on the report narrative as a powerful investigative tool and its position in the criminal justice system.

Aid Code: 10 - undefined.
Credits: 1-3
Pre-requisites: (801-136 or 801-195) and (504-922)

504-928 Criminal Investigation

This is the capstone course for the Criminal Justice Studies program, and must be taken in your final semester prior to graduation. Learners will apply cumulative knowledge from their academic careers to a variety of investigations, including society/victimless crimes, traffic crimes, property crimes, and person/violent crimes. A victim-centered approach will be emphasized throughout the course. Learners will be assessed on skills and concepts they have developed throughout the program and will need to be applied within their future employment in the Criminal Justice field.

Aid Code: 10 - undefined.
Credits: 1-3
Pre-requisites: (504-922 or 504-924 or 504-925)
Co-requisites: 504-923 and 504-927

504-929 Policing and Crime Prevention

This course will examine the role and effectiveness of the police in controlling crime in our communities. We will explore the theoretical relationship between communities and crime and we will examine the relative effectiveness of community policing, problem-oriented policing, and various street-level approaches to crime prevention and crime control.

Aid Code: 10 - undefined.
Credits: 1-3
Pre-requisites: 504-922

504-939 Juvenile Offenders and Family

In this course learners will understand and describe how juvenile offenders depend on their families and community resources in order to lead a crime free lifestyle. Historical perspectives, theories on delinquency, application of best practices, and current trends will be discussed and applied throughout this course.

Aid Code: 10 - undefined.
Restrictions: Restricted to students admitted to Program.
Credits: 1-3
Pre-requisites: 504-922

504-940 Juvenile Residential Services

In this course, students will learn all aspects of voluntary and court ordered placements of juvenile offenders in residential, detention and correctional facilities. Staffing, operations and politics of both public and private agencies will be discussed, focusing on treatment versus punishment and detention issues.

Aid Code: 10 - undefined.
Restrictions: Restricted to students admitted to Program.
Credits: 1-3
Pre-requisites: 504-922

504-941 Community Corrections

This course will provide an overview of the history and philosophy of probation and parole. Also included is the organization and operation of probation and parole agencies as particular segments of the criminal justice system. A review and evaluation of the state of our prisons and their relationship to probation and, particularly, parole is included. The various roles of probation and parole officers and a review of community corrections in managing offender treatment, rehabilitation and reintergration are covered in this course.

Aid Code: 10 - undefined.
Restrictions: Restricted to students admitted to Program.
Credits: 1-3
Pre-requisites: 504-922 or 504-910

504-950 Forensic Criminology

Students will explore the applications of science in the field of crime scene management from the crime scene to the courtroom and beyond. Hands-on learning focuses on the examination and reconstruction of various crime scenes with the emphasis on the identification, collection, documentation and preservation of physical evidence. Students will engage in the unique features of analyzing and formulating how particular crimes were committed and eventually solved.

Aid Code: 10 - undefined.
Credits: 1-3
Pre-requisites: 504-922

504-955 Criminal Justice Administration

Learners will explore criminal justice administration principles with detailed analysis of organizational leadership such as budgeting, personnel management, implementation of programs toward fulfillment of objectives, decision making, emotional intelligence, and generational differences. This course will help those entering the criminal justice field understand the nuances of working in a public sector agency ​and become more well-rounded in their career field.

Aid Code: 10 - undefined.
Credits: 3
Pre-requisites: 504-922

504-956 Fundamentals of Dispatch

This course provides the learner with an introduction to the field of emergency communications. The topics and material covered in this course will assist the learner to begin to develop the knowledge and understanding of emergency dispatching, which is valuable for both those wanting to work in an emergency communications center or in the field of law enforcement.

Aid Code: 10 - undefined.
Credits: 3

504-999S Scenerio Testing

Credits: 0