Information provided includes course descriptions by subject only. For complete 2024-2025 programs/academic plans, please refer to Academic Programs.
524-139 PTA Patient Interventions
An introduction to basic skills and physical therapy interventions performed by the physical therapist assistant.
524-140 PTA Professional Issues 1
Introduces the history and development of the physical therapy program, legal and ethical issues, the interdisciplinary health care team, and professional communication skills.
524-142 PTA Therapeutic Exercise
Provides instruction on the implementation of a variety of therapeutic exercise principles. Learners implement, educate, adapt, and assess responses to therapeutic exercises.
524-143 PTA Biophysical Agents
Develops the knowledge and technical skills necessary to perform numerous therapeutic modalities likely to be utilized as a PTA.
524-144 PTA Principles of Neuromuscular Rehabilitation
Integrates concepts of neuromuscular pathologies, physical therapy interventions, and data collection in patient treatment.
524-145 PTA Principles of Musculoskletal Rehabilitation
Integrates concepts of musculoskeletal pathologies, physical therapy interventions, and data collection in patient treatment.
524-146 PTA Principles of Cardiopulmonary & Integumentary Conditions
Integrates concepts of cardiopulmonary and integumentary pathologies, physical therapy interventions, and data collection in patient treatment.
524-147 PTA Clinical Practice 1
Provides a part-time clinical experience to apply foundational elements, knowledge, and technical skills pertinent to physical therapy practice.
524-148 PTA Clinical Practice 2
Provides a full-time clinical experience to apply foundational elements, knowledge, and technical skills required of the entry-level physical therapist assistant in various practice settings.
524-149 PTA Rehab Across the Lifespan
A capstone course that integrates concepts of pathology, physical therapy interventions and data collection across the lifespan. In addition the PTA's role in health, wellness and prevention; reintegration, and physical therapy interventions for special patient populations will be addressed.
524-150 PTA Professional Issues 2
Incorporates professional development, advanced legal and ethical issues, healthcare management and administration, and further development of professional communication strategies.
524-151 PTA Clinical Practice 3
Provides a full-time clinical experience to apply foundational elements, knowledge, and technical skills required of the entry level physical therapist assistant in various practice settings.
524-156 PTA Applied Kinesiology 1
Introduces basic principles of musculoskeletal anatomy, kinematics, and clinical assessment. Students locate and identify muscles, joints, and other landmarks of the lower quadrant in addition to assessing range of motion and strength.
524-157 PTA Applied Kinesiology 2
Applies basic principles from PTA Kinesiology 1 to the axial skeleton and upper quadrant including location and identification of muscles, joints and other landmarks. Assess range of motion and strength of the axial skeleton and upper quadrant. Integrate analysis of posture and gait.