Information provided includes course descriptions by subject only. For complete 2024-2025 programs/academic plans, please refer to Academic Programs.
861-400 English Language Learner College Transition Course
This 36-hour course will assist English Language Learners (ELL) in bridging the gap between ELL program completion and readiness for success in a postsecondary program. Students will develop basic computer and academic skills, as well as identify and explore career interests. Students must have instructor recommendation to enroll.
861-701 English Language Learner, Grammar/Writing, Level 6
Learners will discriminate common stress patterns, reductions, intonation, pitch patterns, and thought groups. Learners will utilize rules of grammar to form affirmative and negative statements and questions using simple, continuous, perfect and perfect continuous tenses. The use of conditional sentences and active/passive voice will be explored. Learners will be expected to use sustained speech to participate in discussions about unfamiliar topics, share experiential stories, and present oral reports of various types.
Instruction to deepen writing and grammar skills. Students use the writing process to compose complex essays and utilize rules of grammar. The use of conditional sentences and active/passive voice will be explored. Word processing is refined, and computer technology is used to enhance the learning experience.
861-705 English Language Learner, Oral Communication, Level 6
Learners in this course will analyze the systems in the world of work in the U.S. including chain of command, steps to filing a grievance, resolution of discriminatory practices, insurance options, and networking. All learners will develop resumes and practice writing cover letters as well as participate in mock interviews. Career options will be explored using a variety of materials and techniques.
Instruction to deepen the use of formal and informal conversational language. Students differentiate common stress patterns, reductions, intonation, pitch patterns, and thought groups. Students use sustained speech to participate in discussions about unfamiliar topics, share experiential stories, and present oral reports of various types. Students share their points of view related to current events and topics.
861-708 English Language Learner, Reading/Vocabulary, Level 6
Learners will demonstrate comprehension of a variety of written work including short stories, consumer warnings, software instructions, newspapers, magazines, and college catalogues. Activities include identification of main idea and details, making inferences, identification of author's bias, and the identification of characters, setting, and plot. The writing process will be used to construct multiple-paragraph compositions. Learners will use reference tools including the dictionary, thesaurus, atlas, encyclopedia, software and the Internet.
Instruction to deepen reading skills and vocabulary. Students demonstrate comprehension of various written materials, including short stories, consumer warnings, technical resources, newspapers, magazines, and web-based resources. Activities include identification of main idea and details, making inferences, identification of author's bias, and the identification of characters, setting, and plot.
861-711 English Language Learner, Grammar/Writing, Level 1
Instruction and practice in the use of formal and informal conversational language. Students build vocabulary and learn to use numbers, emergency and health language, identify types of jobs and classroom objects. Basic pronunciation, speaking, and listening strategies are developed. Basic grammar and writing skills are introduced and practiced. Programs are infused with and enhanced by technology.
Instruction to introduce basic writing and grammar skills. Students learn to write numbers, emergency and health information, types of jobs, and classroom objects. Basic grammar and writing skills are introduced and practiced. Programs are infused with and enhanced by technology.
861-715 English Language Learner, Oral Communication, Level 1
Students develop basic language skills in the area of speaking, listening, reading and writing in the context of real-life survival skills. It is aimed at developing the listening comprehension and oral skills of beginning level learners of English. Students at this level function minimally, if at all, in English.
Instruction to introduce the use of formal and informal conversational language. Basic pronunciation, speaking, and listening strategies are introduced. Students develop basic language in the context of real-life survival skills. It is aimed at developing the listening comprehension and oral skills of beginning level learners of English.
861-718 English Language Learner, Reading/Vocabulary, Level 1
Instruction to teach discrimination and correct orientation of the English alphabet, to introduce symbol/sound relationships, and the meaning of common signs and symbols. Students learn to recognize personal information print, use maps, calendars, and picture dictionaries. Students also begin to develop basic comprehension strategies at this level.
Instruction to introduce discrimination and correct orientation of the English alphabet, symbol/sound relationships, and the meaning of common signs and symbols. Students learn to recognize personal information, use maps, and calendars. Students also begin to develop basic comprehension strategies at this level.
861-731 English Language Learner, Grammar/Writing, Level 2
Instruction to improve writing and grammar skills. Students learn to write sentences using simple past, present and future verb forms, generate simple affirmative and negative statements and questions, discriminate sounds, and respond to simple imperatives. Computer technology will assist students.
861-735 English Language Learner, Oral Communication, Level 2
Classes at this level provide relevant language in real-life contexts. This class uses an experience centered approach to give student survival skills as quickly as possible. This program provides plenty of opportunity to use language, while developing grammatical skills. Students at this level will begin to form simple sentences and be able to communicate with others. Students learn about standard social norms in the United States, the work ethic in the Unites States, and how to apply basic study skills.
Instruction to improve the use of formal and informal conversational language. Basic pronunciation, speaking, and listening strategies are developed. Students expand their use of relevant language in real-life contexts.
861-738 English Language Learner, Reading/Vocabulary, Level 2
Instruction to improve basic reading skills and expand vocabulary. Students learn to comprehend and respond to a range of printed material, employ a variety of comprehension strategies, recognize formal and informal language, and develop fluency.
Instruction to improve basic reading skills and vocabulary. Students learn to comprehend and respond to a range of printed material, employ a variety of comprehension strategies, recognize formal and informal language, and develop fluency. Employability vocabulary and the use of workplace terminology are introduced.
861-751 English Language Learner, Grammar/Writing, Level 3
Instruction to improve speaking, listening, pronunciation, writing, and grammar skills. Students learn to use the writing process to compose short paragraphs and workplace reports, develop an awareness of language patterns, utilize rules of grammar, use formal and informal conversational language and respond to multi-step process directions. Computer technology is used to enhance the learning experience. Students will learn to use word processing tools.
Instruction to develop writing and grammar skills. Students learn to use the writing process to compose short paragraphs, write essential real-life documents, and utilize rules of grammar. Word processing is introduced, and computer technology is used to enhance the learning experience.
861-755 English Language Learner, Oral Communication, Level 3
Students learn about school services and how to access them. They will participate in formal and informal conversations about legal and basic human rights. Students learn to write cover letters, resumes, and to complete job applications. Development of study skills is stressed, and students will learn to apply learning and test taking skills and strategies and actively participate in the learning process.
Instruction to develop the use of formal and informal conversational language. Students learn about school services and how to access them. They will participate in formal and informal conversations about standard U. S. social norms.
861-758 English Language Learner, Reading/Vocabulary, Level 3
Instruction to improve reading skills and expand vocabulary. Students improve comprehension skills and learn to respond critically to a range of printed material. Employability vocabulary and the use of workplace terminology are expanded. Students develop greater fluency and increase their reading rate.
Instruction to develop reading skills and vocabulary. Students improve comprehension skills and learn to respond critically to a range of printed material. Employability vocabulary and the use of workplace terminology are expanded. Students develop greater fluency and increase their reading rate. Comprehension strategies include main ideas and details.
861-771 English Language Learner, Grammar/Writing, Level 4
Learners will identify sounds of English, use basic pronunciation strategies, and discriminate speech. Formal and informal conversational language skills will be developed through participation in a variety of activities. Learners will use sustained speech to give short explanations, descriptions, and process directions.
Instruction to expand writing and grammar skills. Students use the writing process to compose multiple paragraphs and utilize rules of grammar. Peer review strategies are introduced. Word processing is developed, and computer technology is used to enhance the learning experience.
861-775 English Language Learner, Oral Communication, Level 4
Learners will use pre-employment resources such as classified ads, employment agencies, web sites and the Rock County Job Center to complete a variety of assignments and tasks. Employer expectations such as punctuality, attitude, team work, and appreciation for diversity will be discussed. Learners will participate in activities to prepare for interviews.
Instruction to expand the use of formal and informal conversational language. Students use sustained speech to give short explanations, descriptions, and process directions. Students participate in activities to prepare for interviews. Employment etiquette will be discussed.
861-778 English Language Learner, Reading/Vocabulary, Level 4
Learners will demonstrate comprehension of a range of printed materials including road signs, safety signs, newspaper articles, rhythm chants, short narratives, and fairy tales. Comprehension strategies studies will include recognition of compound words, homonyms, prefixes, and suffixes. Learners will demonstrate an awareness of a variety of language patterns and utilize rules of grammar to form statements and questions in simple and continuous tenses.
Instruction to expand reading skills and vocabulary. Students demonstrate comprehension of printed materials including newspaper articles and short narratives. Comprehension strategies include recognition of compound words, homonyms, prefixes, and suffixes. Students utilize pre-employment resources to complete a variety of assignments and tasks.
861-795 English Language Learner, Oral Communication, Level 5
Learners will identify the raise-promotion process, discuss the purpose of personnel files, discuss employer expectations, and identify discriminatory practices. Interview etiquette will be discussed and practiced. Activities will lead to greater understanding of American cultural practices such as volunteerism, competitiveness, parenting, and neighborhood interaction.
Instruction to enhance the use of formal and informal conversational language. Students differentiate speech patterns and display active listening skills. Students use sustained speech to generate two-person dialogues about familiar topics and share experiential stories. Class discussion leads to a greater understanding of American cultural practices, such as volunteerism, competitiveness, parenting, and neighborhood interaction.
861-798 English Language Learner, Reading/Vocabulary, Level 5
Learners will analyze a variety of printed material and identify main ideas, supporting details, predict outcomes, make inferences, and draw conclusions. Sources will include textbooks, newspapers, magazines, school notices, schedules, nutrition labels, and consumer instructions. Learners will use the writing process to compose organized paragraphs.
Instruction to enhance reading skills and vocabulary. Students analyze a variety of printed material and identify main ideas, supporting details, predict outcomes, make inferences, and draw conclusions. Comprehension strategies include recognition of idioms, regional dialects, and slang.