Information provided includes course descriptions by subject only. For complete 2024-2025 programs/academic plans, please refer to Academic Programs.
809-103 Think Critically and Creatively
This course provides instruction in the vital, realistic and practical methods of thinking which are in high demand in all occupations of substance today. Decision making, problem solving, detailed analysis of ideas, troubleshooting, argumentation, persuasion, creativity, setting goals and objectives, and more are considered in depth as the student applies specific thinking strategies and tools to situations in a wide variety of workplace, personal, academic, and cultural situations. Classroom instruction is demonstrations, discussions, project and teamwork based. Assignments range from the short and simple to the detailed and complex. Reality and practicality are the focuses all through the course.
809-122 Intro to American Government
Introduces American political processes and Institutions. Focuses on rights and responsibilities of citizens and the process of participatory democracy. Learners examine the complexity of the separation of powers and checks and balances. Explores the role of the media, interest groups, political parties and public opinion in the political process. Also explores the role of state and national government in our federal system.
809-143 Microeconomics
This course examines the behavior of individual decision makers, primarily consumers and firms. Topics include choices of how much to consume and to produce, the functioning of perfectly and imperfectly competitive markets, the conditions under which markets may fail, and arguments for and against government intervention. The student applies the fundamental tools of economics to real world problems.
809-144 Macroeconomics
Macroeconomics is an introductory course. Basic social choices regarding economic systems, basic economic aggregates , fiscal policy, the banking system, monetary policy, and international trade are the principle topics discussed in the course. Balance is drawn between theory, analysis, and a critique of the institutions that characterize modern mixed-capitalist economies. Conflicting social goals, economic constraints, and environmental concerns provide the framework through which the macroeconomy is analyzed.
809-159 Abnormal Psychology
The course in Abnormal Psychology surveys the essential features, possible causes, and assessment and treatment of the various types of abnormal behavior from the viewpoint of the major theoretical perspectives in the field of abnormal psychology. Students will be introduced to the diagnosis system of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-IV). In addition, the history of the psychology of abnormality will be traced. Cultural and social perspectives in understanding and responding to abnormal behavior will be explored as well as current topics and issues within abnormal psychology.
809-166 Introduction to Ethics: Theory and Application
This course provides a basic understanding of the theoretical foundations of ethical thought. Diverse ethical perspectives will be used to analyze and compare relevant issues. Students will critically evaluate individual, social and/or professional standards of behavior, and apply a systematic decision-making process to these situations.
809-172 Introduction to Diversity Studies
This course introduces the study of diversity from a local to a global perspective using a holistic, interdisciplinary approach that encourages exploration and prepares students to work in a diverse environment. The course introduces basic diversity concepts, examines the impact of bias and power differentials among groups, explores the use of culturally responsive communication strategies, and compares forces that shape diversity in an international context.
809-174 Social Problems
Explores the causes of and possible solutions to selected social problems such as inequality, crime and deviance, and poverty. Students will examine the interrelationship of social problems and their roots in fundamental societal institutions.
809-188 Developmental Psychology
Developmental Psychology is the study of human development throughout the lifespan. This course explores developmental theory and research with an emphasis on the interactive nature of the biological, cognitive, and psychosocial changes that affect the individual from conception to death. Application activities and critical thinking skills will enable students to gain an increased knowledge and understanding of themselves and others.
809-188E Develop Phychology ChallExam
809-195 Economics
This course is designed to give an overview of how a market-oriented economic system operates, and it surveys the factors which influence national economic policy. Basic concepts and analyses are illustrated by reference to a variety of contemporary problems and public policy issues. Concepts include scarcity, resources, alternative economic systems, growth, supply and demand, monetary and fiscal policy, inflation, unemployment and global economic issues.
809-195E Economics ChallExam
809-195O Economics Orientation
In House for Online Orientation Only.
809-196 Introduction to Sociology
Introduces students to the basic concepts of sociology: culture, socialization, social stratification, multi-culturalism, and the five institutions, including family, government, economics, religion, and education. Other topics include demography, deviance, technology, environment, social issues, social change, social organization, and workplace issues.
809-196E Intro to Sociology ChallExam
809-196O Intro to Sociology-Orientation
In House for Telecourse Orientation Only.
809-198 Introduction to Psychology
This introductory course in psychology is a survey of the multiple aspects of human behavior. It involves a survey of the theoretical foundations of human functioning in such areas as learning, motivation, emotions, personality, deviance and pathology, physiological factors, and social influences. It directs the student to an insightful understanding of the complexities of human relationships in personal, social, and vocational settings.
809-198E Intro to Psychology ChallExam
809-198O Intro to Psychology-Orien
In House for Telecourse Only.
809-199 Psychology of Human Relations
Explores the relationship between the general principles of psychology and our everyday lives. Students are given the opportunity to achieve a deepened sense of awareness of themselves and others. This understanding enables students to improve their relationships with others at work, in the family, and in society.
809-223 Introduction to World Religions
This course will familiarize students with the religious traditions of the world by providing a broad overview of major religions including Buddhism, Christianity, Confucianism, Hinduism, Islam, Judaism, and others. Indigenous religions and new religious movements will also be studied. An emphasis is placed on each religion's origins and historical development, main doctrines, teachings, ethics, sacred texts, and ways of worship.
809-415 Native American Culture
809-419 African American Culture