Michael Amidzich
Accounting Instructor
Bachelor's Degree Arizona State University Economics
Master's Degree UW-Milwaukee Management
Patricia Lynn Aronson
Nursing Instructor
Master's Degree Olivet Nazarene University Nursing
Lavinia L Baldivieso
Business Management Instructor
Bachelor's Degree Edgewood College Journalism
Master's Degree Edgewood College Business Administration
Linda C Becker
Nursing Assistant Instructor
Associate Degree Blackhawk Tech College Nursing
Tammy Berberich
Basic Skills Instructor
Bachelor's Degree UW-LaCrosse English
Master's Degree UW-Whitewater Education
Bobbi Jo Bishofberger
Welding Instructor
Associate Degree Ferris State University Welding Engineering Technology
Bachelor's Degree Ferris State University Welding Engineering Technology
Mallory L Bohling
Nursing Instructor
Master's Degree Western Governors University Nursing
Associate Degree Madison Area Tech College Nursing
Bachelor's Degree Chamberlain College of Nursing Nursing
Milton C Bond
Mathematics Instructor
Bachelor's Degree Univ of Minn-Twin Cities/Rchtr Economics
Master's Degree Cardinal Stritch University Computer Science Education
Master's Degree Cardinal Stritch University Educational Leadership
Master's Degree Harvard Undergrad Admissions Liberal Arts
Rachael L Briggs
Medical Laboratory Technician Instructor
Bachelor's Degree Weber State University Medical Laboratory Sciences
Deb E. Brovick
Foundations of Education Instructor
Master's Degree UW-Stevens Point Education
Bachelor's Degree UW-Whitewater Education
Katie R Church
Radiography Instructor
Bachelor's Degree Adventist Univ Health Sciences Radiologic Sciences
Master's Degree UW-Platteville Education
Bryan Coddington
Engineering Instructor
Bachelor's Degree UW-Stout Manufacturing Engineering
Jeremy Richard Crabb
Electrical Apprentice Instructor
Apprentice Univ Tennessee Knoxville Journeyman Electrician
Melissa Dix
IT Web Software Developer Instructor
Associate Degree Rock Valley College No major
Bachelor's Degree UW-Whitewater Liberal Arts
John M Dorcey
Electro-Mechanical Technology Instructor
Associate Degree Blackhawk Tech College Electro-Mechanical Tech
Jeremy M Ebersole
Biological Science Instructor
Bachelor's Degree Aurora University Health Science
Master's Degree Southern Illinois University Molec., Cell., Syst. Physiolog
Master's Degree Univ of Illinois-Chicago Medical Biotechnology
Kirsten K Eckerman
Nursing Instructor
Master's Degree Grand Canyon University Nursing
Bachelor's Degree The College of Wooster Psychology
Associate Degree Blackhawk Technical College Nursing
Adam C Faucheux
Biological Science Instructor
Bachelor's Degree Rhodes College Biology
Master's Degree University of Memphis Biology
Erica J Fenton
Basic Skills Instructor
Bachelor's Degree UW-Platteville Elementary Education
Melissa Marie Fischer
Nursing Instructor
Bachelor's Degree Rockford College/University Nursing
Master's Degree St Anthony College of Nursing Nursing Education
Kathy K Gates
Medical Assistant Instructor
Master's Degree Regis University Nursing
Bachelor's Degree Viterbo University Nursing
Melissa K Genovese Hughes
Diagnostic Medical Sonography Instructor
Master's Degree National-Louis University Education
Bachelor's Degree Adventist Univ Health Sciences Diagnostic Medical Sonography
Jaime L. Ginner
Surgical Technology Instructor
Associate Degree Meridian Inst. Surgical Assist Surgical Technology
Heather A Gray
Surgical Technology Instructor
Associate Degree Blackhawk Tech College Medical Admin Specialist
One-year Technical Diploma Madison Area Tech College Surgical Technology
Dan J Harrigan
Laboratory Technician Instructor
Master's Degree UW-Madison Cellular and Molecular Biology
Bachelor's Degree UW-Green Bay Biology
Cheryl D Harsevoort
Social Science Instructor
Bachelor's Degree Judson University Psychology
Master's Degree California Coast University Psychology
Beverly R. Hart
Nursing Assistant Instructor
Bachelor's Degree Chamberlain College-Naperville Nursing
Ryan W Hartter
Electro-Mechanical Technology Instructor
Associate Degree Northeast WI Tech College Electro Mechanical Technology
Brian S Hauri
LTE Electrical Apprentice Instructor
Apprentice Other Journeyman Electrician
John P Hayes
Automotive Technician Instructor
Advanced Tech Certificate Other Automotive Technician
Advanced Tech Certificate Other World Class Automotive Tech
Lane A Heins
Fire Protection Technician Instructor
Master's Degree Columbia Southern University Emergency Services Management
Bachelor's Degree UW-Platteville Physical Education
Tracy Ann Hoerig
Nursing Instructor
Bachelor's Degree Grand Canyon University Nursing
Master's Degree Grand Canyon University Nursing
Al C Hulick
Business Management Instructor
Master's Degree Northern Illinois University Public Administration
Bachelor's Degree UW-Whitewater Business Administration
Rubina Jan
Social Science Instructor
Master's Degree UW-Whitewater Guidance Counseling
Bachelor's Degree Other Human Resources
Carissa L Johnson
Substance Abuse Counselor Instructor
Master's Degree Aurora University Social Work
Master's Degree DeVry University Public Administration
Lisa Johnson
Dental Hygiene Instructor
Master's Degree Univ of Minn-Twin Cities/Rchtr Dental Hygiene
Bachelor's Degree UW-Madison Psychology
Steve C Jones
Diesel Instructor
Associate Degree Blackhawk Technical College Individualized Tech Studies
Tony P Jordan
HVAC Instructor
Bachelor's Degree UW-Milwaukee Engineering
Tina A Jordan
Emergency Medical Technician Instructor
Short-term Blackhawk Tech College Emergency Medical Technician
One-year Technical Diploma Blackhawk Tech College Civil Engineering Technician
Jonathon M Kelley
Communications Instructor
Bachelor's Degree UW-Whitewater Psychology
Master's Degree UW-Whitewater Communication
Roger Allen Kent
LTE Truck Driving (CDL) Instructor
Short-term Fox Valley Tech College Truck Driving
Jim G Kobs
Nursing Instructor
Master's Degree Edgewood College Nursing
Bachelor's Degree Viterbo University Nursing
Michele L Lee
Diagnostic Medical Sonography Instructor
Bachelor's Degree Western Illinois University Sociology
Master's Degree Western Illinois University Rec., Park, Tourism Admin
Ali M Liezert
Radiography Instructor
Bachelor's Degree Illinois State University Social Sciences
Master's Degree National-Louis University Education
Bill Lobenstein
Industrial Maintenance Mechanic Instructor
Apprentice Other Maintenance Mechanic
Julie Lohse
Nursing Instructor
Bachelor's Degree Chamberlain College-Naperville Nursing
Master's Degree Chamberlain College-Naperville Nursing Education
Nader Mahdi
Biological Science Instructor
Master's Degree UW-Milwaukee Clinical Laboratory Science
Kayla R Marks
Dental Hygiene Instructor
Associate Degree Madison Area Tech College Dental Hygiene
Bachelor's Degree UW-LaCrosse Spanish
Mary S Mather
Nursing Instructor
Bachelor's Degree UW-Madison Nursing
Master's Degree UW-Madison Nursing
Nick R Mauer
Welding Instructor
Professional Certicate Other AWS-CWI
Abby Lynn Mindham
Social Science Instructor
Master's Degree UW-Milwaukee Criminology
Bachelor's Degree UW-Whitewater Criminology
Marshall Mundt
Mathematics Instructor
Bachelor's Degree Augustana College Mathematics
Master's Degree University of Arizona Mathematics
Traci A Newcomer
Nursing Instructor
Bachelor's Degree Grand Canyon University Nursing
Master's Degree Grand Canyon University Nursing
Tim A Nobling
Information Technology (IT) Network Instructor
Bachelor's Degree Quincy University Social Work
Professional Certicate Other Microsoft
Professional Certicate Other Security+
Mark J Olson
Culinary Arts Instructor
Master's Degree National-Louis University Education
Bachelor's Degree Upper Iowa University Business Administration
Allyson Pulvermacher
Biological Science Instructor
Bachelor's Degree UW-Madison Biology
Master's Degree UW-Madison Molecular Envirnntl Toxiclgy
Angel C Rees
Nursing Instructor
Bachelor's Degree Grand Canyon University Nursing
Master's Degree Grand Canyon University Nursing
Jill Rinzel
Social Science Instructor
Bachelor's Degree Northern Michigan University Psychology
Master's Degree UW-Madison Educational Psychology
Doctorate UW-Madison Educational Psychology
David E Rodden
Welding Instructor
Professional Certicate Other AWS-CW
Annette B Roter
Human Resources Instructor
Doctorate Capella University Organization and Management
Bachelor's Degree Mnt Senario College Interdisciplinary Studies
Master's Degree UW-Stout Training Development
Hakim J Salaam
Culinary Arts Instructor
Bachelor's Degree UW-Stout Management
Master's Degree UW-Stout Education
Carol L Seichter
Basic Skills Instructor
Bachelor's Degree New Mexico St U - Univ Park Elementary Education
Ray Kenneth Sidman
Communications Instructor
Associate Degree Barton County Cmty College Journalism
Bachelor's Degree Ft Hays State University English
Master's Degree Ft Hays State University English
Heather Ann Skyesong
Accounting Instructor
Master's Degree Western Governors University Business
Bachelor's Degree Idaho State University Accounting
Jered Jess Soravia
Basic Skills Instructor
Bachelor's Degree UW-Whitewater Biology
Andrew W Stoever
Welding Instructor
Professional Certicate Other AWS-CWI
Professional Certicate Other AWS-QC1
Mark Stone
Basic Skills Instructor
Bachelor's Degree UW-Whitewater Physics
Master's Degree UW-Whitewater Education
Antonio Tang
Communications Instructor
Doctorate UW-Madison English
Master's Degree Washington State University English
Bachelor's Degree Western Washington University English
Kayce Jo Brooks Visger
LTE Physical Therapist Assistant Instructor
Associate Degree Blackhawk Technical College Physical Therapist Assistant
Will C Walsh
Criminal Justice Instructor
Master's Degree UW-Milwaukee Administrative Leadership
Michelle R Weirich
Early Childhood Education Instructor
Bachelor's Degree Rockford College/University Child Development
Master's Degree UW-Stevens Point Education
Dusty I Williams
Agribusiness/Farm Management Instructor
Bachelor's Degree UW-River Falls Animal Science
Master's Degree UW-River Falls Agricultural Education
Ann Young
Human Services Instructor
Doctorate Northern Illinois University Adult and Higher Education
Tara L Zachgo
Medical Assistant Instructor
Bachelor's Degree Kansas State University Kinesiology
One-year Technical Diploma Blackhawk Technical College Medical Assistant
Dan P Zaleski
Physical Science Instructor
Doctorate University of Virginia Chemistry
Kristen M Ziegler
Dental Assistant Instructor
Bachelor's Degree University of Bridegport Dental Hygiene
Associate Degree Madison Area Tech College Dental Hygiene
Master's Degree UW-Stout Career, Tech Educ Training
Professional Certicate Other WI Dentistry Exam Board - EFDA
Mitch A Ziolkowski
Criminal Justice Instructor
Bachelor's Degree Winona State University Sociology
Short Term Certificate Western WI Tech College Criminal Justice - Law Enforce
Master's Degree UW-Platteville Criminal Justice