The education and training offered at Blackhawk is designed to enable students to acquire job entry occupational skills needed for full participation in the workforce. Blackhawk stands behind the training provided and will guarantee to provide at least six (6) additional credits of retraining, at no cost to the student, under the following conditions:
- The student's employer certifies that target job competencies are lacking as specified in the educational program normally expected of a job entry-level employee, or
- The student has not secured employment within six months following graduation.
To be eligible for the guaranteed retraining, a student must have successfully completed and graduated from a one-year technical diploma, two-year technical diploma, or associate degree program. In addition, a student must have registered for services provided through Blackhawk's CARE Center and actively pursued employment in their occupational field or a related field. Other guidelines may also apply. For more information on Blackhawk's Guaranteed Retraining policy, contact the Career Services Coordinator at (608) 743-4423.