It is important that students keep their personal information current (i.e. name, address, and/or phone number). Blackhawk needs to have up-to-date information on file in the event of illness or an emergency. Students can change this information by selecting the "Personal Information" card located on the MyBTC homepage. Forms are also available in the Registration & Records Office or on MyBTC (student portal).
Preferred Name
Some Blackhawk students are known by a first name that is different than their legal first name. Students can change their preferred first name through MyBTC or by submitted a "Preferred First Name Request" form to the Registration and Records Office to update their information.
If a student's use of the preferred name is not for misrepresentation, they will appear instead of the person's legal name in Blackhawk-related systems and documents except where the legal name is required by college business or legal need.
Required Use of Legal First Name
In some instances, students’ legal names must always be used regardless of whether preferred names have been added to the system. Legal names will always appear on all external use reports and documents including, but not limited to, student ID, hiring paperwork, paychecks, accounts payable checks, student billing, financial aid forms, reporting to the National Student Clearinghouse, tax forms, official College transcripts, and any other documents required by law. Legal first names can only be changed on these records when students pursue a legal name change with their home state and/or federal authorities and then submit that documentation to the Registration & Records Office.
Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)
Students’ rights under the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) begin upon initial enrollment in courses at Blackhawk College, regardless of age. FERPA protects the privacy of students’ education records and provides students the right to review those education records.
Directory Information is defined by each institution. While FERPA allows for the release of Directory Information, it does not require it. Blackhawk designates the following items as Directory Information:
- Student Name
- Student Address and Phone Number
- Student BTC Assigned Email Address
- Date and Place of Birth
- Full-time or Part-time Status
- Major Field of Study
- Dates of Attendance
- Credits Earned Toward a Diploma
- Degrees and Awards Received
- Photos and Videos of Students for use in College Press Releases, Publications, and Websites
Students have the right to request non-disclosure of directory information. To request the non-disclosure of directory information, students can fill out a Privacy Request Form, which can be found in the Student Resources, Registration & Records pages at
To learn about students’ rights under FERPA, please refer to the Students Rights & Responsibilities section of this Student Handbook.