Blackhawk seeks to provide students with opportunities to obtain credit toward the completion of their technical college educational programming by providing credit for prior learning. In all cases, final determinations of credits earned are reached by the appropriate Division Dean or Division Administrator.
Students must complete at least 25% of the total program credits through coursework at Blackhawk. This shall include 25% of occupational core credits associated with the program from which the student will graduate.
If a student registers for a course for which the college later grants credit, students may choose to drop/withdraw from the course. Students are held responsible for all appropriate fees incurred.
Transfer Credit
Credit for prior learning must be supported by official transcripts (in closed original envelopes and bearing the school seal or sent electronically from Parchment or the National Student Clearinghouse). Transfer of credits can be evaluated from regionally and nationally accredited post-secondary institutions (where a "C" or better was earned) and, under certain circumstances, high school institutions (high school courses for which advanced standing was granted and a grade of "B" or better was earned). The College initiates this process upon receipt of your transcript. Once this process is complete, your Blackhawk transcripts will reflect grades of "TR" for all approved coursework. If students feel that specific coursework was not evaluated for transferability, it is the student's responsibility to provide the Registration and Records Office course descriptions from the appropriate college catalog along with a copy of the catalog's cover and/or a course syllabus. Once this information is received, the course(s) will be reviewed by the appropriate Division Dean. Students are notified of credits granted by email sent to the Blackhawk student email account.
Credit for Military Training and Service
As a member of the military, students may be eligible for college credit based on the American Council of Education (ACE) credit recommendation and the applicability to the program. Acceptance of credit by any college is at the discretion of the receiving college. It is the student's responsibility to obtain the necessary documentation (DD 214 and JST) for credits to be considered for transfer. Once the appropriate documentation is received, Blackhawk personnel will review military training and experience documents of former and currently enlisted U.S. Military personnel for the awarding of possible credits. All communication regarding any type of Credit for Prior Learning will be sent to your Blackhawk email account.
Credit for Work and Life Experience
When supported by adequate documentation, students may request awarding of credits based upon work or other experiences. It is the student's responsibility to initiate this process with his/her Advisor.
Credit by Exam (Test Out)
Credit by exam includes Advanced Placement, College Level Exam Placement (CLEP), and Challenge Exams. When students have advanced high school courses or other undocumented or unaccredited experiences, Blackhawk offers them the opportunity to receive credit by examination. Students must meet with an Academic Advisor to discuss this option. Click here for more information on the Credit by Exam.
Advanced Placement (AP) Exams are offered to high school students through CollegeBoard. Students may request a transcript from CollegeBoard to be sent to Blackhawk Technical College. Blackhawk will award credit for scores ranging from an earned "3" to "5" on the AP exam. See the chart below for the AP exam score and its equivalency at Blackhawk.
AP EXAM NAME/Score/Blackhawk Course #/Blackhawk Course Name/Credits
- AP 2-D Art and Design/3 to 5/815-999/Humanities Elective/3
- AP 3-D Art and Design/3 to 5/815-999/Humanities Elective/3
- AP Drawing/3 to 5/815-999/Humanities Elective/3
- AP Art History/3 to 5/815-999/Humanities Elective/3
- AP Music Theory/3 to 5/815-999/Humanities Elective/3
- AP English Language and Composition/3/801-136/English Composition 1/3
- AP English Language and Composition/4-5/801-136, 801-223/English Composition 1 and English Composition 2/6
- AP English Literature and Composition/3/801-136/English Composition 1/3
- AP English Literature and Composition/4-5/801-136, 801-223/English Composition 1 and English Composition 2/6
History & Social Sciences
- Adopt AP African American Studies/3 to 5/809-999/Humanities Elective/3
- AP Comparative Government and Politics/3 to 5/809-999/Social Science Elective/3
- AP European History/3 to 5/803-999/Humanities Elective/3
- AP Human Geography/3 to 5/809-999/Humanities Elective/3
- AP Macroeconomic/3 to 5/809-144/Macroeconomics/3
- AP Microeconomic/3 to 5/809-143/Microeconomics/3
- AP Psychology/3 to 5/809-198/Intro to Psychology/3
- AP United States Government and Politics/3 to 5/809-999/Social Science Elective/3
- AP United States History/3 to 5/803-999/Humanities Elective/3
- AP World History: Modern/3 to 5/803-999/Humanities Elective/3
Math & Computer Science
- AP Computer Science A/3 to 5/804-999/Math Elective/3
- AP Computer Science A (IT-TSS Program)/3 to 5/154-146/Scripting & Programming Basics (New IT Program per TN)/1
- AP Computer Science Principles/3 to 5/804-999/Math Elective/3
- AP Computer Science Principles (IT-TSS Program)/3 to 5/154-146/Scripting & Programming Basics (New IT Program per TN)/1
- AP Calculus AB/3 to 5/804-198/Calculus 1/4
- AP Calculus BC/3 to 5/804-198/Calculus 1/4
- AP Precalculus/3 to 5/8004-197/College Algebra and Trig Apps/5
- AP Statistics/3 to 5/8004-189/Introductory Statistics/3
- AP Biology/3 to 4/806-114/General Biology/4
- AP Biology/5/806-114, 806-999/General Biology and Natural Science Elective/8
- AP Chemistry/3/806-134/General Chemistry/4
- AP Chemistry/4 to 5/806-134,806-999/General Chemistry and Natural Science Elective/8
- AP Environmental Science/3 to 5/806-286/Environmental Science/4
- AP Physics 1: Algebra-Based/4 to 5/806-999/Natural Science Elective/4
- AP Physics 1: Algebra-Based/4 to 5/806-154/General Physics 1/5
- AP Physics 2: Algebra-Based/3/806-999/Natural Science Elective/4
- AP Physics 2: Algebra-Based/4 to 5/806-999/Natural Science Elective/5
- AP Physics C: Electricity and Magnetism/3/806-99/Natural Science Elective/5
- AP Physics C: Mechanics/3/806-999/Natural Science Elective/5
- AP Physics C: Mechanics/4 to 5/806-154/General Physics 1/5
World Language & Cultures
- AP Chinese Language and Culture/3 to 5/802-999/World Foreign Language Elective/4
- AP French Language and Culture/3 to 5/802-999/World Foreign Language Elective/4
- AP German Language and Culture/3 to 5/802-999/World Foreign Language Elective/4
- AP Italian Language and Culture/3 to 5/802-999/World Foreign Language Elective/4
- AP Japanese Language and Culture/3 to 5/802-999/World Foreign Language Elective/4
- AP Latin/3 to 5/802-999/World Foreign Language Elective/4
- AP Spanish Language and Culture/3 to 5/802-211/Spanish 1/4
- AP Spanish Language and Culture/3 to 5/802-999/World Foreign Language Elective/4
- AP Research/3 to 5/999-999/General Elective/3
- AP Seminar/3 to 5/999-999/General Elective/3