Campus Safety

The Safety and Security Office is located on the College's Beloit-Janesville Campus.

The College prepares an Annual Security Report in compliance with the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Crime Statistics Act, as well as Wisconsin state statutes. A copy of this report may be found at A copy can also be obtained from the Safety and Security Office.

Non-Emergency Contact Numbers

  • Blackhawk Campus Security Department (608) 757-7617
  • Beloit-Janesville Campus Welcome Center (608) 758-6900
  • Monroe Campus (608) 328-1660

It is the intent of Blackhawk to provide a safe, secure, and appropriate environment in which students can learn and employees can work. However, like all segments of society, situations may occur which threaten the security and safety of property and people. Assistance phones are located throughout the hallways at the Beloit-Janesville and Monroe campuses. These phones can be used to report an emergency by following the posted instructions.

If you feel threatened, see criminal actions, or observe behavior that jeopardizes the safety and security of property and/or persons at Blackhawk, you should report the incident immediately to 911 and the Security Office or Blackhawk staff. Blackhawk security or a staff member will assess the situation and determine if an emergency response is necessary. If the situation warrants emergency intervention, local law enforcement will be contacted to resolve the problem and investigate the incident. Any non-emergency incident of property damage, theft, burglary, or other criminal actions should be reported to the Security Office and local law enforcement for investigation and disposition.

For the Visitors and Guests Code of Conduct, visit

Behavior Intervention Team (BIT)

The Behavioral Intervention Team (BIT) has been established to serve as a central network focused on prevention and early intervention in college situations involving students showing signs of serious distress or engaging in harmful or disruptive behaviors. The Team develops strategies for, and provides referrals or consultations to, college resources when concerns arise about students' well-being or when there is behavior that seems potentially harmful to self and/or others or may be disruptive or threatening. This Team will regularly assess situations in the college community, monitor students for an appropriate period of time, and will recommend actions in accordance with existing college policies.

To reach a BIT Team member, please contact (608) 757-7660.

Criminal Offense Statistics at Blackhawk Facilities

Blackhawk Technical College prepares an Annual Security Report in compliance with the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Crime Statistics Act, as well as Wisconsin state statutes. A copy of this report may be found at A copy can also be obtained in the Safety and Security Office located on the Beloit-Janesville Campus.

Security of and Access to Blackhawk Facilities

The College has armed Campus Security; however, they do not have arrest powers. College security officers have the authority to enforce college and administrative policies as well as the Student Code of Conduct.

The college uses local law enforcement agencies that have jurisdiction over the campuses and center to investigate and enforce ordinances and criminal laws.

Access to and use of Blackhawk facilities is governed by institutional policies and local statutes. Access to facilities is limited to Blackhawk students, faculty, and staff for work, education, or other related purposes. Outside groups may use the facilities with special permission in accordance with district policy. Loitering or wandering through the facilities for unapproved reasons is prohibited.

The mission of the College to initiate, develop, and maintain programs of specific occupational level can best be served by providing its students and staff with a secure, safe and appropriate environment for the pursuit of learning, work, and training. To assist in providing this favorable atmosphere, College buildings and grounds are open to all persons who use the facilities in a lawful manner, and do not disrupt the educational programming and normal activities of the College. Persons who interfere with or disrupt the College’s normal routine, or threaten any person who is using the College’s facilities, will be asked to leave the premises. Disruption includes, but is not limited to, the unauthorized entering or accessing of any College building, facility, property, employee work area, service, resource, or activity. Anyone refusing to leave the premises, when requested to do so, may be escorted off the premises and arrested by law enforcement authorities and charged in accordance with appropriate local ordinances.”

Sex Offender Registry

It’s required by law and College policy to self- disclose as a registered sex offender to Blackhawk Technical College Campus Safety and Security.  They are also required to report to the Wisconsin Sex Offender Registry that they intend to attend Blackhawk Technical College. Registered Sex Offender can get the form here prior to enrolling in classes.  Prior to enrolling, they will need to meet with the Executive Director of Student Services to discuss any restrictions.

Federal law requires Blackhawk to provide details on where students can obtain information about registered sex offenders in the state or community. The Wisconsin Sex Offender Registry is maintained by the Wisconsin Department of Corrections. You can find more information at: or

Timely Warnings of Potential Threats

A timely warning will be issued by Campus Security and/or College officials in the event that a situation arises on or off-campus that is considered a significant emergency or a continuing threat to the personal safety of students and staff. The decision to issue a timely warning will be based on information received by the College and, if possible, verified by outside agencies such as law enforcement, Emergency Management, Health Department, National Weather System, etc. Campus Security or College officials will determine the content of the notification and initiate the notification system.

However, a notification may be delayed if outside emergency response agencies believe immediate notification may compromise the safety and security of students and staff.

Campus Security and College officials issue warnings through the College's Safe Alert System and/or the Informacast System and/or email system to students and staff. Other notifications may be used (Blackboard posting, fire alarms, tornado sirens, media releases, etc.) depending on the situation. Campus Security or College officials may determine there is a specific segment of the student and staff population that warrants notification. This decision shall be made in conjunction with the appropriate outside agency. In this case, Campus Security or College officials will determine the best way to notify the specific segment of the campus population.

Anyone with information warranting a timely warning should contact Campus Security or College officials at the Welcome Center or by dialing 6900 on a campus phone.

In situations that may pose an immediate physical threat to members of the campus community, the Campus Security or College Officials may issue warnings through the College's Safe Alert System and/or the Informacast System and/or email system to students and employees. Depending on the situation, other notification processes may be used (i.e. Blackboard posting, fire alarms, tornado sirens, media releases, etc.).

Campus Security or College Officials may also determine there is a specific segment of students and staff who need notification. This decision will be made in conjunction with the appropriate outside agency. If that is the case, Campus Security or College Officials will make the determination of how to best convey that information to the specific segment of the campus population.

Anyone with information warranting a timely warning should report the circumstances to Campus Security or College Officials. Campus Security or College Officials can be contacted through the Welcome Center (information desk) or by dialing 6900 on a campus phone.

Accident or Illness Emergency Procedures

Blackhawk uses the professional medical treatment system available in the community to respond to injuries and illnesses. Blackhawk will provide basic medical first aid but will not treat or diagnose any illness or injury. Rather, the student will be referred to an appropriate medical treatment facility. If the student refuses to seek follow-up medical treatment after it has been recommended by a staff member, the student will be asked to sign a waiver corroborating this decision.

The student is responsible for their own transportation to a medical facility. However, should the injury or illness be considered an emergency, an ambulance will be requested. The student will be responsible for the cost of the ambulance. Under no circumstances will College staff transport for treatment. All accidents, regardless of the seriousness, shall be reported to a staff member.

Clean-up after an accident or illness will be left to the College maintenance and custodial staff. Students will not attempt to clean up blood, vomit, or other bodily fluids. If clean-up is necessary, students should go to the Welcome Center (information desk) at the main entrance and request maintenance/custodial staff to clean up the area.

In case of an emergency, call 911. Classroom and hallway assistance phones can be used to report an emergency by following the posted instructions. Dial 911. The security non-emergency telephone number is 608-757-7617.

Emergency Campus Security Procedures

In the event of an emergency, call 911 immediately from a campus phone or 911 from a cell phone. An emergency situation can be defined as any event that may pose a significant threat to the life, safety, or health of students and/or employees. After contacting authorities, call the Office of Safety and Security at (608) 757-7617 or contact the College Welcome Center (information center). Students will follow the directions of College staff and emergency services personnel during an emergency.

Emergency Response Guide and Evacuation Procedures

Each classroom has an emergency response guide and a map indicating what to do in the event of most emergency situations. This includes shelter locations for severe weather and evacuation routes and staging areas for fire emergencies. The College holds evacuation and/or shelter-in-place drills at least once in an academic year. The College also conducts Safety and Security related tabletop exercises in new employee orientation. Please review the Emergency Response Guide regularly to be prepared in the event of an emergency.

Crime Prevention and Security Procedures

Crime prevention, security procedures, and practice information is presented during new student and employee orientations and periodically during in-service training. In addition, facilities and security personnel conduct routine inspections and patrol of buildings and grounds to identify and correct deficiencies. Being proactive is preferable to being reactive. Crime prevention is based upon the dual concepts of eliminating or minimizing criminal opportunities whenever possible and encouraging students and staff to be responsible for their own security and the security of others. The following is a list of campus crime prevention tactics that may reduce the risk of becoming a victim:

  • Walk on established walkways. At night, walk on lighted walkways
  • Always lock your vehicle
  • If on campus in the evening, park close to the building in lighted areas and walk with others
  • Items of value left in the vehicle should be placed out of sight
  • Never leave items of value unattended
  • Promptly report any suspicious behavior to Campus Security or College Officials
  • Do not leave keys or access cards unattended
  • Always lock doors in unattended office areas
  • Never give out computer passwords
  • When working during non-business hours, inform family and colleagues of your location and schedule

Crime Reporting Procedures

The College encourages prompt and accurate reporting of all crimes or suspicious behavior to local law enforcement, Campus Security and/or College officials. When the alleged behavior or act is a crime and not just a policy violation, College officials will involve local law enforcement agencies as soon as the information is known. Prompt crime reporting and the reporting of suspicious behavior will better enable local law enforcement officials to remedy the situation.

Report all criminal activity to Campus Security. If unable to reach Campus Security, contact the Welcome Center by dialing 7617 on a campus phone. The College does not have any pastoral or professional counselors on staff but does assist students in providing various private and public options for such services. Crimes may be reported anonymously. To report a crime and/or dangerous situation anonymously, contact Campus Security or the Welcome Center (information center) and inform them you wish to speak with a security official. This same process can be done when making reports to local law enforcement.

Blackhawk complies with the Jeanne Clery Disclosure Act and prepares an annual report of crimes that have occurred on campus and in outreach centers. The report can be found on the College's website or may be obtained from Campus Security. The report is also distributed every year by October 1 as required by law. Campus crime, arrest, and referral statistics include those reported to local law enforcement and to College Officials, including anonymous reports. In an effort to obtain the statistics from local law enforcement, Campus Security makes a written request to each local law enforcement agency to obtain a listing of any crimes they had reported to them and/or they had investigated. The reported crimes are also maintained in a daily crime log.