
Bus and Shuttle Transportation

Blackhawk operates shuttles that connect all Blackhawk sites.  The shuttle service is free of charge, but a current student ID must be presented to use this service. A complete schedule is available at credit students are assessed a $20 transportation fee per semester.

Public transportation is offered between Janesville and Beloit. There are twelve stops each weekday at the Beloit-Janesville Campus between 6:00 a.m. (first stop at Blackhawk is 6:15 a.m.) and 6:15 p.m. (last stop at Blackhawk is 5:40 p.m.) The schedule has been coordinated with the transit companies so the stops coincide with class schedule to the degree possible. Bus schedules, fare information, routes, etc. are available at the Welcome Center at the Beloit-Janesville Campus. Bus service is provided Beloit Transit and Janesville Transit System.


The Beloit-Janesville Campus usually has adequate parking for everyone. Please observe parking restrictions as posted and park in marked parking stalls. Otherwise, you may park on a first-come, first-serve basis.

Overnight parking is not allowed without permission from College Security.

Persons with disabilities who have a proper state-issued license plate or identification card may park in specially marked spaces. Only persons with a valid disabled license plate or handicapped placard issued by a State Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) may park in those spaces. The College cannot issue any kind of handicapped sticker.

There are some designated parking areas set aside for special purposes such as motorcycles and the Rock County Sheriff Office's personnel. There is no parking in crosswalks, driveways (unless otherwise posted) or on the paved areas adjacent to the buildings. These areas need to be kept open for emergency vehicles. Anyone parked in a restricted area without appropriate authorization may receive a parking citation issued by law enforcement.

On-site parking is available at the Monroe Campus. The rules noted above also apply to these locations.