Foundations of Teacher Education

Associate of Applied Science Degree

The Foundations of Teacher Education - Associate Degree is an Associate of Applied Science Degree, which prepares qualified individuals to work directly with students under the supervision of a licensed teacher.  The duties include assisting students with math, science, reading, and writing assignments as well as handling classroom management and other tasks related to instruction.  This program meets Title I requirements.

Duties may also include monitoring student activities, assisting with reading, correcting papers, tutoring, one-on-one activities and small group facilitation.  The focus of this program is on preparing graduates to work primarily in elementary and middle level schools.

Program Outcomes

Upon successful completion of this program, students will be able to:

  • Demonstrate instructional support strategies for content areas
  • Implement developmentally appropriate practices to foster learning
  • Adapt instruction to meet the diverse needs of all learners
  • Use proactive classroom management techniques
  • Perform professional responsibilities
  • Incorporate the reflective process to promote professional growth

Graduates Have Found Employment As 

A graduate of this program will have the potential for employment as an educational paraprofessional or paraeducator in schools from the pre-kindergarten through high school level. Paraeducators work with children in preschools, elementary schools, middle schools, and high schools. Paraeducators may also work in Wisconsin CESA organizations as well as their community partners.  Paraeducators can also work with children with special needs.

  • Paraeducators

  • Paraprofessionals

  • Teaching Assistants

  • Instructional Assistants

  • Educational Assistants

  • Autism Behavior Technicians

  • Specialized aides in Reading, Math, Computers, or Special Education

Plan of Study Grid
Semester 1Credits
522-103 EDU: Introduction to Educational Practices 3
522-106 EDU: Child & Adolescent Development 3
522-107 EDU: Overview of Spec Ed 3
522-105 EDU: Behavior Management 3
801-136 English Composition 1 3
Semester 2
522-104 EDU: Technology in Education 3
522-112 EDU: Equity in Education 3
522-118 EDU: Techniques for Math 3
801-198 Speech 3
Mathematical Reasoning
or Intermediate Algebra with Applications
Semester 3
522-102 EDU: Techniques in Reading 3
522-120 EDU: Techniques in Science 3
522-124 EDU: Supporting Stu w/Disab 3
522-129 EDU: Practicum 1 3
809-196 Introduction to Sociology 3
Semester 4
522-114 EDU: Techniques in Lang Arts 3
522-119 EDU: Techniques in Social Studies 3
522-131 EDU: Practicum 2 3
522-139 EDU: Support Students with Medical/Mental Health Needs 3
809-198 Introduction to Psychology 3
 Total Credits60-61

Recommended Courses For Those Transferring to a 4-Year Institution

804-189Introductory Statistics3

 General Education Courses Within Program

801-136English Composition 13
804-134Mathematical Reasoning3-4
or 804-118 Intermediate Algebra with Applications
809-196Introduction to Sociology3
809-198Introduction to Psychology3