Leadership Development

Associate of Applied Science Degree

The Leadership Development Associate of Applied Science degree provides learners with training in leadership, human relations, quality, health and safety, problem solving and team building, organizational development, supervision, project management, and lean and six sigma. With this degree, you will be prepared to become a department manager, supervisor or team leader. Whether you want to work in manufacturing, banking, retail, education, government or health care, these skills will prepare you to be an effective leader. This program is tailored to working adults and is offered face-to-face or online. 

The Leadership Development degree is built on a business meta major which includes classes that are part of several programs at the college and should provide transfer into or attachment to any of these other programs.

Program Outcomes

  1. Utilize continuous improvement strategies to achieve performance excellence
  2. Apply effective leadership skills
  3. Support organizational human resource practices
  4. Perform management functions to achieve organizational objectives

Graduates Have Found Employment As

  1. First line supervisors

  2. Team Leaders

  3. Shift Leaders

  4. Quality Leaders

  5. Lean Process Leaders

Plan of Study Grid
Semester 1Credits
102-148 Introduction to Business and Management 3
196-100 Supervision: Applying Human Resource Procedures 1
103-128 Introduction to Microsoft Office Suites 2
801-136 English Composition 1 3
Mathematical Reasoning
or Intermediate Algebra with Applications
196-193 Human Resource Management 3
Semester 2
196-140 Supervision: Control Process and Leadership Skills 1
196-157 Essentials of Quality: Quality Management Basics 1
196-190 Leadership Development 3
196-161 Team Building: Communicating and Building Cohesiveness 1
103-107 Intermediate Excel 2
Staffing Organizations
or Principles of Operations Planning
196-168 Organizational Development 3
Semester 3
196-153 Supervision: Improving Performance and Discipline 1
196-158 Essentials of Quality: Quality Data Assessment 1
196-162 Team Building: Motivation Tactics 1
101-111 Accounting I 4
809-198 Introduction to Psychology 3
Health, Safety and Security
or Principles of Manufacturing Management
801-198 Speech 3
Semester 4
102-155 Introduction to Project Management 3
102-134 Lean Six Sigma 3
196-159 Essentials of Quality: Lean Tools 1
196-163 Team Building: Inclusion and Engagement 1
196-164 Leadership Practicum 1
Introduction to Sociology
or Intro to American Government
116-102 Training and Development 3
 Total Credits60-61

General Education Courses Within Program

801-136English Composition 13
804-134Mathematical Reasoning3-4
or 804-118 Intermediate Algebra with Applications
809-196Introduction to Sociology3
809-198Introduction to Psychology3